• Resolved MrsJessicaSimpson


    Hi Guys, ..

    I’ve modified the USER, and added five new POD Fields.
    HOME CITY – (social link one) (social link two) and also included a local aviator field.

    I’m using the bbPress forum plug-in (latest build.)
    Was working, but not now: the problem is that the text-input-fields aren’t showing in the forum profile screen.

    This is one part of the output html when using the CITY profile editor screen.

    <div class="pods-submittable-fields">
    						<div class="pods-form-ui-field pods-dfv-field pods-dfv-field--unloaded">
    							<span class="pods-dfv-field__loading-indicator" role="progressbar"></span>
    									<script type="application/json" class="pods-dfv-field-data" data-pod="user">{"htmlAttr":{"id":"pods-form-ui-pods-meta-your-country","class":"pods-form-ui-field pods-form-ui-field-type-text pods-form-ui-field-name-pods-meta-your-country","name":"pods_meta_your_country","name_clean":"pods-meta-your-country"},"fieldType":"text","fieldItemData":[],"fieldConfig":{"object_type":"field","storage_type":"post_type","name":"pods_meta_your_country","id":1,"parent":24,"group":"5618","label":"Your country","description":"Your country of origin, simply used for boasting rights only.","weight":0,"type":"text","required":"0","text_allow_shortcode":"0","text_allow_html":"0","text_allowed_html_tags":"strong em a ul ol li b i","text_max_length":"255","pick_post_status":["publish"],"admin_only":"0","restrict_role":"0","restrict_capability":"0","hidden":"0","read_only":"0","roles_allowed":["administrator"],"rest_read":"0","rest_write":"0","rest_pick_response":"array","rest_pick_depth":"2","unique":"0","text_repeatable":"0","post_status":"publish","sister_id":"-- Select One --","help":"","default":null,"attributes":null,"class":"","grouped":0,"output_options":null,"text_placeholder":"","groups":[],"fields":[],"item_id":1},"fieldEmbed":true,"fieldValue":""}</script>
    		<p class="description pods-form-ui-comment pods-form-ui-comment-pods-meta-your-country">
    	Your country of origin, simply used for boasting rights only.</p>

    This is the output when using the built in WP Editor, the text-fields- show, but they are painfully slow to load.

    <div class="pods-submittable-fields">
    						<div class="pods-form-ui-field pods-dfv-field pods-dfv-field--loaded">
    									<script type="application/json" class="pods-dfv-field-data" data-pod="user">{"htmlAttr":{"id":"pods-form-ui-pods-meta-your-country","class":"pods-form-ui-field pods-form-ui-field-type-text pods-form-ui-field-name-pods-meta-your-country","name":"pods_meta_your_country","name_clean":"pods-meta-your-country"},"fieldType":"text","fieldItemData":[],"fieldConfig":{"object_type":"field","storage_type":"post_type","name":"pods_meta_your_country","id":1,"parent":24,"group":"5618","label":"Your country","description":"Your country of origin, simply used for boasting rights only.","weight":0,"type":"text","required":"0","text_allow_shortcode":"0","text_allow_html":"0","text_allowed_html_tags":"strong em a ul ol li b i","text_max_length":"255","pick_post_status":["publish"],"admin_only":"0","restrict_role":"0","restrict_capability":"0","hidden":"0","read_only":"0","roles_allowed":["administrator"],"rest_read":"0","rest_write":"0","rest_pick_response":"array","rest_pick_depth":"2","unique":"0","text_repeatable":"0","post_status":"publish","sister_id":"-- Select One --","help":"","default":null,"attributes":null,"class":"","grouped":0,"output_options":null,"text_placeholder":"","groups":[],"fields":[],"item_id":1},"fieldEmbed":true,"fieldValue":""}</script>
    		<span></span><div class="pods-field-option"><div class="pods-field-option__field"><div class="pods-dfv-container pods-dfv-container-text"><input type="text" id="pods-form-ui-pods-meta-your-country" name="pods_meta_your_country" data-name-clean="pods-meta-your-country" class="pods-form-ui-field pods-form-ui-field-type-text pods-form-ui-field-name-pods-meta-your-country" placeholder="" maxlength="255" autocomplete="on" value=""></div></div></div></div>
    		<p class="description pods-form-ui-comment pods-form-ui-comment-pods-meta-your-country">
    	Your country of origin, simply used for boasting rights only.</p>

    Hope it makes sense.
    Any pointers, greatly appreciated, ..

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  • Plugin Contributor Scott Kingsley Clark


    Hey there again, nice to see you around these parts once more 🙂

    What theme are you using? I noticed that the Enfold theme and some other themes deregister the core wp-mediaelement script which is required for the new form fields on the frontend.

    Do you see any JS console errors in your browser when you go to Inspect the page?

    Thread Starter MrsJessicaSimpson


    > What theme are you using?

    Self inflicted theme I’m afraid.
    From top to bottom it’s all mine.
    I also have my site duplicated on a Local setup, and out there in the wilds.

    The forums are closed off, and are available to registered users only.
    I can set up a quick login if you wish, so’s you can have a look if you want, but for obvious reasons: I’m less than inclined to include it here.

    > Do you see any JS console errors in your browser when you go to Inspect the page?

    Nope, no errors at all.

    Really flustered by not getting to the nitty gritty of this weirdness, usually can!

    Plugin Contributor Scott Kingsley Clark


    Are you in our Live Community Slack Chat yet? If not, I’ve been helping folks there this week debug their projects when they’ve encountered this kind of issue. If you are able to hop on, I can try and help you solve it today. Otherwise I can continue here too.


    Thread Starter MrsJessicaSimpson


    Trying lots of things here with that ‘wp-mediaelement script’, so far no success.

    But later on I’ll mosey on over there for a chin-wag, .. laters!

    Plugin Contributor Scott Kingsley Clark


    I’m about to release Pods 2.8.1 but I’ll help you figure out what’s going on with your project whenever you have time. Just ping me on Slack and I’ll help you out.

    Plugin Contributor Scott Kingsley Clark


    Just an update, Pods 2.8.3 is out now and may include some fixes that resolve form-related problems like this.

    Thread Starter MrsJessicaSimpson


    Hi Scott, ..

    Bad News I’m afraid.

    Updated PODS on my local test-rig running WP theme 2012, unfortunately the problem remains unresolved.

    Laters ..

    Thread Starter MrsJessicaSimpson


    Hi yar — yar all, ..

    Not a fix as such, but where the “More Fields” issue is concerned: changing this css:-

    table.pods-admin { table-layout: auto; }

    Does actually give me a bit more working room, but that label is still included on the same line: which is a major problem.

    Still can’t get 2.8.x to work as 2.7.x did, and now it’s becoming frustrating.

    Put all this on Slack
    https://podswp.slack.com/archives/C02SVLHQF/p1636145122333400?thread_ts=1635261717.125000&cid=C02SVLHQF, but as yet: no replies.

    Keep the faith folks! PODS is amazing, and I will get to the bottom of it.

    Plugin Contributor Scott Kingsley Clark


    Saw your note about the CSS tweak. Our team will follow up on this in a future release to make it look better on smaller width Classic Editor meta box areas.

    Is this related to your originally reported issue here about the bbPress forum profile screen?

    Thread Starter MrsJessicaSimpson


    Yup! – Still having ongoing issues with the JS created input fields and labels.

    Many thanks for your response ..

    Plugin Contributor Scott Kingsley Clark


    I have a fix for the bbPress profile edit form issue which was caused by bbPress loading up the template before assets had been registered so the required assets were never enqueued properly for those fields.

    I also have a fix for the CSS issue with the table fields in the side meta box context (moved to the smaller column).

    Both of these fixes will be included in Pods 2.8.6 on Monday.

    Thread Starter MrsJessicaSimpson


    Anyone following this, all I can say is that support for this most amazing plugin is > superb: it’s >>*2.

    I’m retired, and supporting that running costs of the plugin with a modest yearly donation: I’m gonna’ increase it next time round! – Absolutely Brilliant Response from Scott.

    Keep the faith folks.

    Plugin Contributor Scott Kingsley Clark


    The fixes for this went out with Pods 2.8.6 today.

    Thread Starter MrsJessicaSimpson



    After extensive testing, I can happily report that bbPress Forum is finally showing the all of the collapsed fields again ..

    Editor width (brilliant to have it back again.)

    All Fixed, and fixed on all Fronts.

    Magic support and resolution, I really can’t praise the programming skills and dedication to this marvellous PODS plugin enough.

    Many Thanks ..

    Closing Ticket as ( Resolved. )

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