• I use the Headway theme. It has it’s own SEO fields on the Edit Posts page. It’s just like Yoast in that sense.

    When I use it, and view the source code, it shows the actual meta description for my page as the one I enter into the SEO description field, but the JM Twitter Cards plugin ignores it, and just posts the first few words of the post.

    I don’t think it’s as simple as asking the theme developer for a custom field key.

    I know I can specify a custom field key and fill it out each and every post, but is there a more permanent solution?

    I’d like to have the Headway SEO description work the same way as the Yoast description. Is there a way I can make that happen?


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  • Anonymous User 10765487



    If you know what you are doing or know a developer you can modify this method get_seo_plugin_datas() located in JM_TC_Options class but why would you make this complexe task while it’s possible to work with custom field options ?

    I’m sure Headway use some post meta or something similar so you you just have to enter keys in option page.

    Anonymous User 10765487


    Don’t edit the file directly. Use inheritance instead for example.

    I came here to ask the same question. Most serious bloggers use a professional theme such as Genesis or Thesis. These themes have SEO fields in them so we don’t always use Yoast or another SEO plugin. I see there is a tab in the JM plugin for Custom Fields, but we don’t know what to enter in them to make them use the fields built into the themes.

    Is that what these fields are for and if yes, what type of name are we trying to find to plug in there? I tried what is displayed in Genesis and that didn’t work. I’m assuming it is something more technical or specific that could be found in the code?

    Anonymous User 10765487


    Yeah I’m thinking about a better way to guide people on this point but anyway this is about meta keys. So if you know the key you know what to enter. The key is usually a set of chars with no space and sometimes with “-” or “_”

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