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  • Plugin Support Riza Maulana Ardiyanto


    Hi @adejones

    Thanks for using our plugin.

    We haven’t been able to reproduce this issue.

    Can you go to Tools > Site Health > Info, and copy site info:

    Then paste the information here.


    Thread Starter adejones



    ### wp-core ###
    version: 6.4.3
    site_language: en_GB
    user_language: en_GB
    timezone: Europe/London
    permalink: /%postname%/
    https_status: true
    multisite: false
    user_registration: 0
    blog_public: 1
    default_comment_status: undefined
    environment_type: production
    user_count: 2
    dotorg_communication: true
    ### wp-paths-sizes ###
    wordpress_path: /home/assemblyleamingt/public_html
    wordpress_size: loading...
    uploads_path: /home/assemblyleamingt/public_html/wp-content/uploads
    uploads_size: loading...
    themes_path: /home/assemblyleamingt/public_html/wp-content/themes
    themes_size: loading...
    plugins_path: /home/assemblyleamingt/public_html/wp-content/plugins
    plugins_size: loading...
    database_size: loading...
    total_size: loading...
    ### wp-active-theme ###
    name:  (Assembly)
    version: 1.0
    author: Adrian Jones
    author_website: (undefined)
    parent_theme: none
    theme_features: core-block-patterns, html5, post-thumbnails, widgets-block-editor, woocommerce, wc-product-gallery-zoom, wc-product-gallery-lightbox, wc-product-gallery-slider, widgets, menus
    theme_path: /home/assemblyleamingt/public_html/wp-content/themes/Assembly
    auto_update: Disabled
    ### wp-plugins-active (9) ###
    Advanced Custom Fields PRO: version: 6.2.5, author: WP Engine, Auto-updates disabled
    Gravity Forms: version: 2.8.2, author: Gravity Forms, Auto-updates enabled
    Gravity Forms Mailchimp Add-On: version: 5.2.0, author: Gravity Forms, Auto-updates disabled
    PublishPress Future: version: 3.2.0, author: PublishPress, Auto-updates disabled
    Search & Filter Pro: version: 2.5.14, author: Code Amp (latest version: 2.5.17), Auto-updates disabled
    ShiftNav Pro - Responsive Mobile Menu: version: 1.7.2, author: Chris Mavricos, SevenSpark, Auto-updates disabled
    Ultimate GDPR & CCPA: version: 4.3, author: CreateIT, Auto-updates disabled
    UpdraftPlus - Backup/Restore: version: 1.23.16, author: UpdraftPlus.Com, DavidAnderson, Auto-updates disabled
    User Role Editor Pro: version: 4.63.4, author: Vladimir Garagulia (latest version: 4.64.1), Auto-updates disabled
    ### wp-media ###
    image_editor: WP_Image_Editor_GD
    imagick_module_version: Not available
    imagemagick_version: Not available
    imagick_version: Not available
    file_uploads: 1
    post_max_size: 64M
    upload_max_filesize: 128M
    max_effective_size: 64 MB
    max_file_uploads: 20
    gd_version: bundled (2.1.0 compatible)
    gd_formats: GIF, JPEG, PNG, WebP, BMP, XPM
    ghostscript_version: unknown
    ### wp-server ###
    server_architecture: Linux 3.10.0-1160.76.1.el7.x86_64 x86_64
    httpd_software: Apache
    php_version: 8.0.30 64bit
    php_sapi: fpm-fcgi
    max_input_variables: 1500
    time_limit: 60
    memory_limit: 512M
    max_input_time: 60
    upload_max_filesize: 128M
    php_post_max_size: 64M
    curl_version: 8.5.0 OpenSSL/1.1.1w
    suhosin: false
    imagick_availability: false
    pretty_permalinks: true
    htaccess_extra_rules: true
    current: 2024-01-31T10:05:49+00:00
    utc-time: Wednesday, 31-Jan-24 10:05:49 UTC
    server-time: 2024-01-31T10:05:47+00:00
    ### wp-database ###
    extension: mysqli
    server_version: 5.7.44
    client_version: mysqlnd 8.0.30
    max_allowed_packet: 268435456
    max_connections: 151
    ### wp-constants ###
    WP_HOME: undefined
    WP_SITEURL: undefined
    WP_CONTENT_DIR: /home/assemblyleamingt/public_html/wp-content
    WP_PLUGIN_DIR: /home/assemblyleamingt/public_html/wp-content/plugins
    WP_DEBUG: false
    WP_DEBUG_LOG: false
    SCRIPT_DEBUG: false
    WP_CACHE: false
    COMPRESS_SCRIPTS: undefined
    COMPRESS_CSS: undefined
    WP_DEVELOPMENT_MODE: undefined
    DB_CHARSET: utf8mb4
    DB_COLLATE: undefined
    ### wp-filesystem ###
    wordpress: writable
    wp-content: writable
    uploads: writable
    plugins: writable
    themes: writable
    Plugin Support Riza Maulana Ardiyanto


    @adejones Can you please try test this with only PublishPress Future installed? Does the issue still persists?


    Thread Starter adejones


    @rizaardiyanto Yes I can confirm that after deactivating all plugins except PublishPress Future, the issue still occurs.

    I can also confirm that after switching to a default WP theme, it still occurs there too.

    Plugin Support Riza Maulana Ardiyanto


    @adejones Can you please right click > Inspect > Console. Do you see any error there?

    Thread Starter adejones


    Yes, there is:

    Plugin Support Riza Maulana Ardiyanto


    @adejones Can you please hover on the react-dom.min.js?

    Thread Starter adejones



    Plugin Support Riza Maulana Ardiyanto


    @adejones Does the metabox not showing for both new post and existing post, or only existing post?


    Thread Starter adejones


    correct, it doesn’t show for any. Just in case it was related to category or publish date I tried different existing posts and also new posts but it doesn’t appear at all for any.

    Plugin Support Riza Maulana Ardiyanto


    @adejones Can you please check if you have something like this in Future setting?

    Thread Starter adejones


    both of the checks at the top of the diagnostics tab have “passed”.

    Plugin Support Riza Maulana Ardiyanto


    @adejones The 2 previous report issues are both on classic editor. Did you use Classic or Block editor?

    Thread Starter adejones


    @rizaardiyanto I am using classic editor. Thanks.

    Thread Starter adejones


    Hey, just wondering if there was any progress with this? The client is keen to get using this and is chasing, I fear they may look at alternatives if this doesn’t work but I am reluctant because I have used your product many times successfully before and am a fan.

    Would it help if I gave you WP access so you could look in to this yourself on the live website?

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