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  • Plugin Author Jordy Meow


    Hi David,

    On the first page, it is not the Meow Lightbox, it is another one 🙂 On the second, indeed, there is an issue. The Meow Lighbox is using the WP-JSON API to get some information in a dynamic way, but strangely, the API is not accessible. Do you have a security plugin that blocks plugins to register their own API?

    Thread Starter DavidGMiles


    Ha yes you are correct – I need to replace that lightbox and get yours working in place – so it is all consistent – any clues?

    No no plugin that I know of – do you want an admin login to take a look?

    Plugin Author Jordy Meow


    I can’t do that (per WordPress’ rules), however, I could try to share with you another version of the plugin that might work better (which is not using the API anymore). Please contact me here: 🙂 I am on holidays right now so it might take a few days to give you a proper reply.

    Thread Starter DavidGMiles


    Done – cheers

    Thread Starter DavidGMiles


    Jordy – just so you know – I disabled the theme lightbox – hoping yours would take over – I get the same 404 error on single images – you can see the end result here

    Plugin Author Jordy Meow


    I got your email, we will reply to you soon, now it’s busy time 🙂 But no worries, we’ll make it work.

    Thread Starter DavidGMiles


    Any update on this – could really use a fix soon(ish)

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