• MENU s in the front end is missing in desktop view but showing in mobile view. gets hidden if switched to desktop view. learned that ainblcoks plugin conficted with some code and that is why it is happening. i have installed woocommerce in this website

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author ElmaStudio


    @elzavineeth I’m so sorry that you’re experiencing this issue. Could you let me know which theme you are using (and in in which version) as I can’s view your private site?

    This way I can test the theme with the AinoBlocks blocks. Could it be that the Navigation block is not set up correctly as there is an option for showing either on mobile only or mobile and desktop?

    Is the Navigation block nested inside another block?

    All these details would help me to see the issue better. If you could set the site live for a short time, this would also be super helpful, so I could check the CSS and see the blocks involved.

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