• Resolved Joan



    I’m customizing members page.
    The width and the gap edited after searching but I couldn’t change the row height and the gap.

    I would like to make space between row.
    Could you please give me some advice?


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Towhid


    Hi @ahrumhan

    Insert below css in Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS

    .um-members .um-member {


    Thread Starter Joan


    Hi Towhid

    Thank you for your reply.
    I tried to input the code w !important. But it’s not working.
    The profile box position is absolute and margin & padding is not effective.

    Thank you for your help.

    Plugin Contributor Champ Camba


    Hi @ahrumhan

    Sorry for the late response. We were busy trying to catch up with the support backlogs.

    Please feel free to re-open this thread if any questions may come up.


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