• Resolved wpforever18


    Hello! I am using WordPress’s native media uploader from the front end for the user to change the avatar on the page I created. This works well. The user opens the uploader, uploads the image, and changes it successfully, but the uploader failure with css when using it from the front end (it looks deformed in some places). Through the WordPress panel everything is ok. Does anyone know how I fix this? Or if there is an alternative to the uploader. Is there a plugin that can replace or change the native uploader? Thanks.

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  • Moderator James Huff


    WordPress itself doesn’t provide an uploader in the front-end.

    What plugin are you using to provide that?

    Thread Starter wpforever18


    Hello! Thanks for the feedback. I am using a manual code to enter the field for user avatar exchange. (Function custom_avatar_field) – I found it on the internet.

    Thread Starter wpforever18


    I searched a lot and found nothing. I decided to work with the same WordPress panel. I managed to adjust well. Thank you! : D

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