• Hi WordPress,

    I have build a website in version 4.9.1 and not able to upload and view images in grid view. I have tried to update images and save the changes with no luck.

    You will notice its stuck in loading mode >> https://prnt.sc/hvfmig

    I have also check with the hosting company with no errors from server updates.

    Many Thanks in advance for Helping

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  • This could be caused by an over-aggressive configuration of your server’s mod_security module. Try asking your hosts about it.

    Thread Starter involveddigital


    Initially I thought that was the case…

    I’m unsure how this happened but due to white space in my function.php folder it created the error.

    Thanks for responding

    I am experiencing the same issue. How did you remove the white spaces in the function.php folder? Can you provide a little more detail?


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