• Resolved t.wiuf


    From one day to an other.
    All my images went missing.
    They are still on the server, but cant see them any more.
    I can see where they sould be but they are not.

    In the beginning I had some problems connecting to the database, but that got solved by it self.

    I tried deactivating all plugins did’t help. Turning all on again did’t help.

    Hope some one can help me.
    Page talking about is: thomaswiuf.dk


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  • Hello t.wiuf

    I can see images are there and path is also correct.

    I am sure it is permission or ownership issue.

    Please assign proper permission to upload directory, Check permission from cpanel or FTP client.

    You should have given 644 or 755 tp that folder.

    Thread Starter t.wiuf


    Hi sudhirtiwari,

    how can I assign: “proper permission to upload directory, Check permission from cpanel or FTP client”

    From cpanel, right click on folder name and there you can see permision option.


    Thread Starter t.wiuf


    Just had a looong look. the folder has the same settings as displayed on the site you posted 🙁

    Thread Starter t.wiuf


    Should I maybe create a .htaccess file?

    WordPress comes with default .htaccess file ? Don’t you have it at the root of your folders ?

    What is the code written in your .htaccess file ?

    Thread Starter t.wiuf


    inside the content folder and the uploads folder there is no .htaccess file.

    Not inside the content folder, it will be at root of your wordpress.

    Thread Starter t.wiuf


    I have none :O

    I am sure , It is something with htaccess or image permission. I will need access details to resolve the issue or you have find the htaccess file and send it to me.

    Sometime htaccess files are hidden on server.

    If htaccess files were not on root of your wordpress then your website won’t work, Its there and hidden.

    Thread Starter t.wiuf


    Is this the part where it goes wrong?

    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
        RewriteEngine On
        # Watched directories
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} /wp-content/uploads [OR]
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} /wp-content/themes
        # Redirect images through the adaptive images script
        RewriteRule \.(?:jpe?g|gif|png)$ /wp-content/plugins/adaptive-images/adaptive-images/ai-main.php [L]
    # END Adaptive Images
    AddType application/x-httpd-php56  php
    DirectoryIndex index.php index.html

    Yes that’s the issue.

    Try using the fresh .htaccess file. Keep this in backup.

    Looks like adaptive-images plugin is causing some issue. Try default and check the result.

    Thread Starter t.wiuf


    and the hole part:

    [ Moderator note: Code fixed, please wrap code in backticks or use the code button. ]

    ## Enable PHP 5.6
    AddType application/x-httpd-php56 php
    # BEGIN Adaptive Images
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
        RewriteEngine On
        # Watched directories
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} /wp-content/uploads [OR]
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} /wp-content/themes
        # Redirect images through the adaptive images script
        RewriteRule \.(?:jpe?g|gif|png)$ /wp-content/plugins/adaptive-images/adaptive-images/ai-main.php [L]
    # END Adaptive Images
    AddType application/x-httpd-php56  php
    DirectoryIndex index.php index.html 
    # BEGIN W3TC Browser Cache
    <IfModule mod_deflate.c>
        <IfModule mod_headers.c>
            Header append Vary User-Agent env=!dont-vary
            AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css text/x-component application/x-javascript application/javascript text/javascript text/x-js text/html text/richtext image/svg+xml text/plain text/xsd text/xsl text/xml image/x-icon application/json
        <IfModule mod_mime.c>
            # DEFLATE by extension
            AddOutputFilter DEFLATE js css htm html xml
    <FilesMatch "\.(css|htc|less|js|js2|js3|js4|CSS|HTC|LESS|JS|JS2|JS3|JS4)$">
        <IfModule mod_headers.c>
             Header set X-Powered-By "W3 Total Cache/"
    <FilesMatch "\.(html|htm|rtf|rtx|svg|svgz|txt|xsd|xsl|xml|HTML|HTM|RTF|RTX|SVG|SVGZ|TXT|XSD|XSL|XML)$">
        <IfModule mod_headers.c>
             Header set X-Powered-By "W3 Total Cache/"
    <FilesMatch "\.(asf|asx|wax|wmv|wmx|avi|bmp|class|divx|doc|docx|eot|exe|gif|gz|gzip|ico|jpg|jpeg|jpe|json|mdb|mid|midi|mov|qt|mp3|m4a|mp4|m4v|mpeg|mpg|mpe|mpp|otf|odb|odc|odf|odg|odp|ods|odt|ogg|pdf|png|pot|pps|ppt|pptx|ra|ram|svg|svgz|swf|tar|tif|tiff|ttf|ttc|wav|wma|wri|woff|xla|xls|xlsx|xlt|xlw|zip|ASF|ASX|WAX|WMV|WMX|AVI|BMP|CLASS|DIVX|DOC|DOCX|EOT|EXE|GIF|GZ|GZIP|ICO|JPG|JPEG|JPE|JSON|MDB|MID|MIDI|MOV|QT|MP3|M4A|MP4|M4V|MPEG|MPG|MPE|MPP|OTF|ODB|ODC|ODF|ODG|ODP|ODS|ODT|OGG|PDF|PNG|POT|PPS|PPT|PPTX|RA|RAM|SVG|SVGZ|SWF|TAR|TIF|TIFF|TTF|TTC|WAV|WMA|WRI|WOFF|XLA|XLS|XLSX|XLT|XLW|ZIP)$">
        <IfModule mod_headers.c>
             Header set X-Powered-By "W3 Total Cache/"
    # END W3TC Browser Cache
    # BEGIN WordPress
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
    # END WordPress
    # Added by Surftown to prevent brute force attack against wp-login.php
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    	RewriteEngine on
    	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} POST
    	RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !^.*wordpress_test_cookie.*$ [NC]
    	RewriteRule wp-login.php  - [F,L]
    Thread Starter t.wiuf


    okay thanks. will find the default 🙂

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