Hi Norman,
as I wrote in your support ticket there is the possibility of changing that spacing within the row options. However I will update the plugin description to give more details about what it does and provide an option to change the default value for the row padding.
I always appreciate feedback from users to improve Meteorite and its plugins.
As I’ve mentioned in the support ticket, the new version 1.7 from Meteorite Extensions adds a FAQ for the plugin and a filter for changing the default row padding by applying this filter:
* Changing Meteorite Extensions default row padding for Page Builder by SiteOrigin
function meteorite_change_default_row_padding() {
return 50;
add_filter( 'meteorite_extensions_default_row_padding', 'meteorite_change_default_row_padding' );
Is there anything else you think can be improved? What would change your rating from 2 to 4-5 stars for this plugin?
Just to update my last answer here: The option is not a filter anymore. It’s now in the WordPress Customizer, in the section General.