• Does anyone know the maximum number of items you can put on your menu. I was hoping to list all my product through my menu because right now it is only available through the shop tab on the menu and the product categories along the right. I started a new menu and was filling it with all of my product and it froze crashed and my site became inaccessible for about two minutes then when it came back half of the items were missing from my menu I was creating. Did it do that because I over loaded it with product? My site is westernmilitarysupply.com its WooCommerce with the Bazar shop. All help is appreciated! thanks!

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  • There’s a setting that limits the amount of fields that can be pased by a standard form. Unfortunately WordPress does send a lot of data back for each menu item, so that number gets reached really easily.

    When I’ve seen it before, the limit has been 1000 items, but that’s fields, not menu items. Each menu item sends 11 or 12 fields back, so the actual limit is somewhere around 80 or so.

    Now, how to “fix” it. In reality it can’t be fixed completely. There’s always going to be some limit. However you can exapand that limit by adding this to a new file called php.ini that you will need ot add to the /wp-admin/ folder of your site:

    <IfModule mod_php.c>

    php_value suhosin.simulation 1

    php_value suhosin.memory_limit 128M
    php_value suhosin.post.max_vars 5000
    php_value suhosin.request.max_vars 5000


    max_input_vars = 5000

    Apart from that you cna also set up a custom navigation walker class and use that for your menu. That will let you add in menu items as they are needed, and not rely on the built-in menu method.

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