Plugin Author
Ok nice idea! I will implement it in the plugin asap.
to be clear, you need to add the recipient of the email to the blacklist table whenever you click on the ‘spam’ button on the ‘flamingo_inbound’ page. is this what is needed?
Hey, no, I need the IP added to the blocked IPs list, but your idea is also very well.
Plugin Author
ok gotcha! using the flamingo user interface and marking as spam an email didn’t store the ip in the blacklist. Will fix that, let me know if this is what you need.
PS. the email would only be saved for reference in the blacklist, but for antispam purposes it is not very useful as any fake email address can easily be entered as it cannot be verified (apart from a simple pattern check)
Hey, yes exactly! I use the IPs for analytics about the spam attacks and blocking rules.