This is the first report I’ve seen about this.
If updating to version 5+ has caused the issue then it’s likely a feature that was turned on before wasn’t actually working, in version 5+ we have fixed and moved these features to the new PHP based firewall and now as a result it’s blocking something it wasn’t before.
Would you be able to share with me what settings you have active so I can try and reproduce the issue?
Can you also let me know where your ManageWP install is (is it on another server)?
And finally what error message you get from ManageWP?
Best Wishes,
Thread Starter
ManageWP is installed on the same server as AIOWPS. Error message in ManageWP is “too many redirects”.
You can find exported settings from one site on https://filebin.net/l8o5gel8q7x7zap8
Thanks and kind regards
With your settings imported I’ve not been able to reproduce the error.
Does ManageWP connect to your sites via username and password or the connection key?
Could you try whitelisting their IP addresses:
Best Wishes,
Hi, I just thought of sharing some information if you don’t mind. @lqdmbr, if you are referring to the following service https://managewp.com/, then I can say that the latest version of AIOS works for my site and my clients websites as well. Something in your site or server is causing this issue.
Kind regards.
Thread Starter
Thanks for your replies.
@aporter I’m using connection keys. By whitelisting you mean the login lockout IP whitelist in your plugin? Will I still be able to log in with other IP addresses that are not whitelisted?
@mbrsolution Good to know. That’s probably a tricky problem then because I’ve issues with 50 sites in total on several different hosts.
Kind regards
Hi @lqdmbr
Yes I meant that and yes only IP’s in the list can login, but seeing as you use the connection key it wouldn’t make a difference.
Do you have the PHP based firewall setup?
If you do can you add these constants in aios-bootstrap.php after the “<?php” line:
define(‘AIOS_FIREWALL_DEBUG’, true);
If it is not setup put them in wp-config.php
Then try to manage the sites again, then when you get the error check your PHP error logs
Can you then send me that information?
You can send it privately via our premium support (use order number 0000 and link to this support ticket):
Best Wishes,
I’m experiencing this same “too many redirects” issue, with one single website, within my whole stable of clients on managewp.com. I’m using AIOS Version 5.1.4. When I turn it off completely, it connects fine. I went through all the settings and I can’t figure out why it’s not working.
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@guerrilladigital Since deactivating forced logout everything’s working fine.
Hmm…. I’m not sure what setting that is, exactly. What tab is it under?
No wait. Found it… thank you so much! That did the trick!