• Hi. I am new to WordPress and I hope someone can help me, please.

    I want to know how I can make a post title link open in the parent page.

    I know it does this on the site itself, but when I pull my blog (www.blog.kissandtellbooks.com) into an iframe on a website that I am creating using Serif WebPlus, the post title link opens the content in the iframe.

    I think if I can add the target “_parent” in to the title link in WordPress, it will force the link to open in the parent page on my website. This is because I have created a link in the blog excerpt that does this.

    In WordPress I used the plugin Excerpt Editor, and when I customise the excerpt text, if I use a link like this: <a href="http://blog.kissandtellbooks.com/?p=91" target="_parent">read more</a> when I preview my site in Chrome, clicking on the link in the iframe opens the destination in the page, and not the frame.

    I figure I can do something similar to the post title link, i,e, add a target, but I don’t know where to do this in the WordPress files. I am using a child theme of twenty eleven.

    Can someone please tell me where I should go to add a target to the post title, and how I should alter the line of code?

    Or, if you have any other solution to accomplish the same outcome.

    Thanks very much,

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