• This notifications are annoying for the user and is not possible opt-out to receive them.

    Can you make it at least opt-out?


    View post on imgur.com

    The red badges appear for every Yoast update and the only way to remove them is “mark as read” with the eye icon, just to make it appear again the next update. Is no justification to do that, this high level attention notifications should be used for critical messages, or at least give the user the option to disable them.

    This is user hostile, please consider respect the user and make healthy user experience examples for all the WordPress plugin community, imagine if all plugins make the same design decision.

    The WordPress team should make rules to avoid this type of behavior and punish who brake those rules.

    Related reading:

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  • Plugin Support Suwash


    Hi @pablomassa

    We understand your concern and you are disappointed to see that you are not able to dismiss the notification in the Yoast SEO plugin dashboard. We apologies for any inconvenience about this.

    You are actually not the first to have requested this feature! That means a feature request is already created and is currently under review by our product team.

    What’s next?
    Our product team will assess feature requests in relation to other open bug reports and new features. Based on their assessment, the feature request will be given priority. Our developers work on the highest priority first. Unfortunately, this means we cannot give you an estimate if or when they’ll start working on your request.

    If you have any further information that may affect the prioritization, please feel invited to reply to this email.

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