I can convert it to scalable SVG! you can then use my modifications here to make the icon work better.
Do you have bigger size of the icon? I need much bigger than 48×48. 512 x 512 would be suitable.
than you. when can you do it?
Any time, just send me the big version of that icon (512×512 or bigger).
Has been a hard year for me as my father passed away so sorry for this taking so long.
I finally got it the official WordPress way. As it comes from svg inline rather than
it supports hover and selected coloring:
Without selection + upper menu: https://i.imgur.com/DOHXAqO.png
Selected: https://i.imgur.com/cN1sTsB.png
Hover: https://i.imgur.com/lDEfK0n.png
Here are the changes it works with, only added svg as inline and things in variables inside add_menu_page() function to easier management, I hope you will accept it: https://github.com/ronilaukkarinen/wp-fastest-cache/commit/81b96df5ec94d0a8197ce412c2ded2e78c525620
All the best,
wow 🙂 very nice. I will let you know soon.
I added the icon. Can you delete wp fastest cache and download the following version to get the latest changes please? I wonder that you like or not 🙂
Thanks! Couple of issues:
1. the icon is not direct inline svg format (that WordPress supports by its function) but inside
which makes the image a bit unsharp. Also the size is a bit over the area that is usually reserved for the icon, don’t you think? Did you look my code suggestion in my earlier message https://github.com/ronilaukkarinen/wp-fastest-cache/commit/81b96df5ec94d0a8197ce412c2ded2e78c525620#diff-9898b34307db8359d47bf3dd05eccbf4 ?
Comparison: https://i.imgur.com/VhF17vv.png (yours) https://i.imgur.com/LHKKWy4.png (mine)
2. I still see colored version in the upper menu https://i.imgur.com/NqXCnfk.png
Can these be tweaked? 🙂
1. It is not related with being inline or not. I just increased the size 🙂
2. now I changed the icon on the toolbar as well 🙂
I want to add your name on the change logs. which name do you want me to write?
OK, good! You can add @rolle or Roni Laukkarinen. 🙂
you are welcome 🙂 your name will appear on the changelogs.
I noticed a bug on smaller devices, there’s forced margin-left: 0 that causes the misalignment: https://i.imgur.com/Ekp3ucg.png
Can you remove that line (line 122, #toplevel_page_wpfastestcacheoptions div.wp-menu-name) so it will work, thanks!
it did not help. the problem is related with the toolbar icon.
@rolle , can you help me solving the problem please?