Hi there,
We need a little bit of help in understanding your query.
Can you let us know the process for the user registration?
Do a user is inactive when he registers and then his/her status gets changed later on? Does a user’s WordPress role remain the same or get changed after he/she becomes active?
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I got a error message in 3 days after responsing you
https://yadi.sk/i/fHkS0JaB49yMXg – I send it one more time but not sure you get my mails.
something wrong with your mailbox
Sorry for the inconvenience you had.
We have forwarded this issue to our server team. They will check and revert.
Will update you once we get an update about this.
Just want to update you that your emails were blocked at our server.
Our server team unblocked it. You can resend the emails now.
We will take a look at it and revert.
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Angry server)
Ok, I sent.
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It happens again – my email returns to me after 4 days.
Guys, something wrong with your mailserver. https://yadi.sk/i/-gI4CUsBBHQlZg
Can you help me HERE??
My respond to you was
“I can’t give you an access to the whole site. We don’t know what you will do there and what our users will see in frontend.
To replicate the issue just switch the language to Russian and go to Workflows. (translate page in your browser to translate the interface back to English)”
Hi there,
We have released a new version of Email Subscribers which make sure all workflow options are always shown. Can you please confirm if your issue is not resolved even after testing with the latest version?
Also, we have resolved the mail server related issue on our end. Now you can send us emails if you want to contact us from there.
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Thanks a lot!
Coming back to your questions.
“Can you let us know the process for the user registration?”
1) user registers here https://pro-akcii.ru/register/
2) then he gets an email with activation link
3) then he activates his account
Do a user is inactive when he registers and then his/her status gets changed later on? Does a user’s WordPress role remain the same or get changed after he/she becomes active?
user’s role doesn’t change – it is “subscriber”