• Plugin Author Ultimate Member



    If you have updated to UM 1.3.86 and have lost your translations you will need to update your .mo/.po files. This is because we have moved UM over to using the official method of translating plugins. The way we were doing it prior to this release was outdated as WP.org now offers a native way to translate the plugin. The plugin can now be translated via here:


    To make UM work with the official translation system we had to change the text domain slug of UM from “ultimatemember” to “ultimate-member”

    To use your existing translation you need to change the filename of all your po/mo files to use the textdomain “ultimate-member”

    e.g “ultimatemember-en_US” should be changed to “ultimate-member-en-US”

    We’ve updated the en_US / en .mo/.po files in the latest version so you can use it as reference.

    If you prefer, whilst we wait for UM to be translated via the official method you can easily downgrade UM to previous version using this plugin:



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