• Hello,

    I am having a small issue on my wordpress site. I have a “Lookbooks” section which displays all our photography from past collections and releases. The lookbook page fits 15 total lookbooks showing in 5 rows of 3.

    When I click “Next Page” at the bottom left of the lookbook page in order to see the 16th lookbook that has been pushed to the second page, it simply sends me to the exact same page I am already on.

    Basically, I have lost a lookbook and as long as I continue uploading new ones, I will lose which ever one is in the last place on the Lookbooks page.

    I am hoping to either increase the amount of lookbooks that can be shown on one page at at a time, or somehow bring back that second page so that any older lookbooks can still be shown on extended pages.

    I hope this all makes sense. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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