• Hi Guys,

    I am using WordPress 4.3.1 and I’ve tried two different plugins and also my own test code:

    add_filter('authenticate','improv_allow_email_login', 20, 3);
        function improv_allow_email_login($user, $username, $password){
            if (is_email($username)){
                $user = get_user_by_email($username);
                if ($user) $username = $user->user_login;
            return wp_authenticate_username_password($user, $username, $password);

    In all 3 cases for some reason it allows me to login with any password.

    Let’s say the user details are:
    Username: WPTest
    E-Mail: wptest@wordpress.com
    Password: hunter123

    The following will correctly log in:
    Username: WPTest
    Password: hunter123

    The following will correctly fail to login:
    Username: WPTest
    Password: thisisawrongpassword

    The following will say that the password is incorrect, BUT it will still log you in…
    Username: wptest@wordpress.com
    Password: thisisawrongpassword

    The following will correctly log in:
    Username: wptest@wordpress.com
    Password: hunter123

    What is going on, why is this happening. I have even tried with all plugins disabled but it still happens…

    Anyone know what’s wrong and how to fix?

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