Yes, I added some new settings to make the link library custom post type non-queryable and non-searchable by default, since some users did not like Google being able to find the link pages, which did not have a lot of information by default. You can re-enable these options under the General Settings tab.
enabling those two settings did not make the trick.
is there a chance you can provide version number so I can roll back the change?
Sorry for lack of response. At the tailend of a trip to Asia for my work.
Here is a link to download the version from before I made the change that I think caused you problems.
Can you tell me which plugin(s) are having trouble seeing the Link Library CPT with the latest version? That way I can run tests on my own.
Hi Yannick,
thanks for bringing this to your attention. One plugin affected is Content Views Pro (only Pro version is capable of selecting CPT). On other is Elementor Essential Add Ons (free version) where Post-grid element was affected. Just verified that 6.046 solved the issue in Elementor EA.
I downloaded the Elementor and Elementor EA packages on to my site, but I am unable to activate EA. I get a PHP fatal error. Do I need to install any other packages to be able to activate this add-on package?
Once activated, can you steer me a bit towards where to look to see or not see the CPT?
I am not aware of any other dependency of Essential Addons for Elementor than on Elementor. Elementor themeselves maintains the plugin Elementor Add ons. That plugin does not handle post grids with CPT capability.
Another Elementor plugin that can be used to test CPT is Void Elementor Post Grid Addon for Elementor Page builder or Elementor Addons & Templates – Sizzify Lite.
It took me a while, but your other plugins should now be able to see the Link library custom post type if you check the options labeled ‘Individual link pages can be seen by visitors’ and ‘Links appear in search results’ under the Global Options section of Link Library.