• Links within my pages seem to be working on the admin site, but when launched in IE, Safari, and Firefox, the links to different pages on the menu do not work. site: vovosunshine.com

Viewing 4 replies - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Thread Starter jbruyere


    I fixed this. I changed the width in the body to 100% to make my formatted banner responsive. This was no good… so I change the width back to”1em.” Works.

    Thread Starter jbruyere


    SORRY! This issue is not resolved. I am still having trouble with the links on my page, vovosunshine.come. Can anyone help?

    Thread Starter jbruyere


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    * Full width & homepage template
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    Your links are working just fine. Could you please elaborate on the issue you’re having?

    Pasting your CSS isn’t helpful and just bloats the topic, I recommend editing that post if you can.

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