Providing more details:
We are using the custom HTML markup to generate the AddThis tool box, below is our code for the markup.
<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style">
<a class="addthis_button_twitter"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_facebook"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_linkedin"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_compact"></a>
When WordPress + AddThis plugin renders this, it comes out being LinkedIn the only link that includes target=”_blank” attribute, all of the rest share buttons doesn’t have this.
<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style">
<a class="addthis_button_twitter at300b" title="Twitter" href="#"><span class="at-icon-wrapper" style="background-color: rgb(29, 161, 242); line-height: 16px; height: 16px; width: 16px;"><svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 32 32" version="1.1" role="img" aria-labelledby="at-svg-twitter-1" title="Twitter" alt="Twitter" class="at-icon at-icon-twitter" style="width: 16px; height: 16px;"><title id="at-svg-twitter-1">Twitter</title><g><path d="M27.996 10.116c-.81.36-1.68.602-2.592.71a4.526 4.526 0 0 0 1.984-2.496 9.037 9.037 0 0 1-2.866 1.095 4.513 4.513 0 0 0-7.69 4.116 12.81 12.81 0 0 1-9.3-4.715 4.49 4.49 0 0 0-.612 2.27 4.51 4.51 0 0 0 2.008 3.755 4.495 4.495 0 0 1-2.044-.564v.057a4.515 4.515 0 0 0 3.62 4.425 4.52 4.52 0 0 1-2.04.077 4.517 4.517 0 0 0 4.217 3.134 9.055 9.055 0 0 1-5.604 1.93A9.18 9.18 0 0 1 6 23.85a12.773 12.773 0 0 0 6.918 2.027c8.3 0 12.84-6.876 12.84-12.84 0-.195-.005-.39-.014-.583a9.172 9.172 0 0 0 2.252-2.336" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></g></svg></span></a>
<a class="addthis_button_facebook at300b" title="Facebook" href="#"><span class="at-icon-wrapper" style="background-color: rgb(59, 89, 152); line-height: 16px; height: 16px; width: 16px;"><svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 32 32" version="1.1" role="img" aria-labelledby="at-svg-facebook-2" title="Facebook" alt="Facebook" class="at-icon at-icon-facebook" style="width: 16px; height: 16px;"><title id="at-svg-facebook-2">Facebook</title><g><path d="M22 5.16c-.406-.054-1.806-.16-3.43-.16-3.4 0-5.733 1.825-5.733 5.17v2.882H9v3.913h3.837V27h4.604V16.965h3.823l.587-3.913h-4.41v-2.5c0-1.123.347-1.903 2.198-1.903H22V5.16z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></g></svg></span></a>
<a class="addthis_button_linkedin at300b" target="_blank" title="LinkedIn" href="#"><span class="at-icon-wrapper" style="background-color: rgb(0, 119, 181); line-height: 16px; height: 16px; width: 16px;"><svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 32 32" version="1.1" role="img" aria-labelledby="at-svg-linkedin-3" title="LinkedIn" alt="LinkedIn" class="at-icon at-icon-linkedin" style="width: 16px; height: 16px;"><title id="at-svg-linkedin-3">LinkedIn</title><g><path d="M26 25.963h-4.185v-6.55c0-1.56-.027-3.57-2.175-3.57-2.18 0-2.51 1.7-2.51 3.46v6.66h-4.182V12.495h4.012v1.84h.058c.558-1.058 1.924-2.174 3.96-2.174 4.24 0 5.022 2.79 5.022 6.417v7.386zM8.23 10.655a2.426 2.426 0 0 1 0-4.855 2.427 2.427 0 0 1 0 4.855zm-2.098 1.84h4.19v13.468h-4.19V12.495z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></g></svg></span></a>
<a class="addthis_button_compact at300m" href="#"><span class="at-icon-wrapper" style="background-color: rgb(255, 101, 80); line-height: 16px; height: 16px; width: 16px;"><svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 32 32" version="1.1" role="img" aria-labelledby="at-svg-addthis-4" title="More" alt="More" class="at-icon at-icon-addthis" style="width: 16px; height: 16px;"><title id="at-svg-addthis-4">Addthis</title><g><path d="M18 14V8h-4v6H8v4h6v6h4v-6h6v-4h-6z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></g></svg></span></a>
<div class="atclear"></div>
Hi Elvis,
Thanks for the information and feedback. We don’t currently have a way to change the behavior, as it’s hard-coded. I’ll pass the suggestion along to our product team for consideration in a future version.
@addthis_matt Sounds good, yeah looks to me that this one on LinkedIn might have left behind and needs some revision now. Currently is a bit inconsistent UX experience when you compare how other popular share buttons open like, Facebook, Twitter, etc, they all open in a separate pop-up window.
Thanks for taking care of this with your team!