• sarjentocuch


    Hello, I am very happy with the plugin, it’s just what I wanted, thank you.
    I have a problem when a user clicks the link leads to another page, and this page is habre in the same window.
    You can make it there will be a new window ?? I tried putting this in the template:

    <div class="kcc_block" title="Enlace torrent" onclick="document.location.href='[link_url]' ">
    	<img class="alignleft" src="[icon_url]" alt="" />
    	<a class="kcc-link" href="[link_url]" target="_blank" title="[link_name]" >Enlace Enlace Aqui: [link_title]</a>
    	<div class="description">[link_description]</div>
    	<small>Сlicks: [link_clicks], Fecha de publicacion: [link_date:d.M.Y]</small>
    	<b><!-- clear --></b>

    But malfunctioned, there was a way to do ??
    thank you very much, good job.


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