• Anonymous User 17976131


    If my WP install has a default category set for new links, is there a way to make this plugin actually add links to that category? (The link import itself has no categories in it; I’m speaking just of the native WP “default link category” setting.)


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  • Plugin Author Jan Boddez


    I’m only now seeing your various posts, d’oh! (Wondering if I should somehow enable email notifications somewhere.) But lemme look into this, as it is an interesting feature. Worst case I can add a filter hook that you could act on in your functions.php file or so.

    Regarding the [links] shortcode: I wasn’t even aware it existed! I’m using a bit of custom PHP myself, like, in my theme. And I’m hoping the core wp_list_bookmarks() function still works. Worst case (again!) I (or you, if you know some PHP) can wrap that in a custom shortcode and call it in a shortcode block.

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 17976131


    (FWIW, I’ve actually basically quit blogging since I posted that. So, don’t rush into anything specifically on my account.)

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