• Resolved randym56


    You will see this page does NOT generate the Lightbox when “webmaster settings, option: “Use JavaScript (Lightbox) for PrintFriendly Preview” is set to YES.

    Also, it does NOT open a new tab when set to NO.

    Instead, it simply opens the print page in the same browser window, and loses all data in the process.

    I have this plugin installed on another (different) site hosted on the same server with the same WordPress theme, and installation. See the link below to see how it IS working on that site.

    Please help me understand why it is not working on the URL listed in this post.


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Print & PDF by PrintFriendly


    This is Pro feature only. Sorry for the confusion, we’ll properly label this option in the next update.

    Get PrintFriendly & PDF Pro now at https://www.printfriendly.com/button/pro

    Thread Starter randym56


    Your answer didn’t make sense – I reported that neither redirect to a new browser window nor opening a lightbox worked. This would have been a fatal flaw in your non-paid version since anyone trying to print a dynamic page, like the one I needed help with in this post, could never be printed using your plugin.

    I discovered the reason it is working on my other site is because it has the WordPress Jetpack installed. So, when I installed Jetpack on the site with the problem, your plugin is now working properly.

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