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  • Plugin Author arnaudbroes


    Hey Yvan,

    Certainly. Are you using custom titles (entered into the metabox) for each of your posts, or are you letting the plugin autogenerate them for you based on the format set under Search Appearance?

    – Arnaud

    Thread Starter yvandupuy


    Hey @arnaudbroes

    For the “migrated” articles the customed titles and méta for each article are used, like in the exemple:

    For the new articles, i use the new fonction “titre article” +”extrait article” like in this example:

    My questions are:
    -Must i use the same way for all articles ? for instance all fullfiled manually ? is there a difference in terms of seo ?

    -If i want the short title of the site after the article : article + separator + Short title of the site. How to do it. ?

    I mean for instance for an article:
    “Avec près de 500 millions d’utilisateurs à son actif, l’application Telegram veut se monétiser” |Neoproduits

    Avec près de 500 millions d’utilisateurs à son actif, l’application Telegram veut se monétiser |Neoproduits | Le média sur l’actualité du digital et les nouveaux concepts

    Is there an impact on the seo ?



    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by yvandupuy.
    Plugin Author arnaudbroes


    Hi Yvan,

    You do not have to use the same format for every article; you can enter whatever you like and use whatever tags you like – you have full control of your titles.

    If the short title is not the same as what’s set under Settings > General > Site Title, then it would simply enter the short title yourself like this –

    #post_title #sa_separator Neoproduits

    (Please note that those # parts are the tags you see in the field, so “#post_title” is converted into the “Titre Article” tag).

    As far as impact on SEO goes, I’d recommend you to keep them around 60 characters; otherwise Google will truncate them. Also, it’s definitely a good idea to include your short site title in the title. Google likes it if your brand your articles.

    – Arnaud

    Thread Starter yvandupuy


    Hi @arnaudbroes

    Thanks for the answer, When you say that if i want to put the short title after an article.
    For instance: “Avec près de 500 millions d’utilisateurs à son actif, l’application Telegram veut se monétiser” |Neoproduits”

    I have to use standard “post title” tag + separator + enter manually “neoproduits” ?

    It is not possible to create a tag “short title” that would be automatically applied to all articles ?



    Plugin Author arnaudbroes


    Hey @yvandupuy,

    Currently we don’t have a feature for custom user smart tags, although we might consider adding this in the feature, so that’s correct, you need to type it manually for now.

    We do have a Site Title tag, but that pulls from what you’ve set under Settings > General > Site Title, and if I remember correctly, you’ve set something rather long there.

    But if you simply set the global/default format to “#post_title #sa_separator Neoproduits” under Search Appearance > Content Types, and let your posts fall back to the default format, you only need to enter it once (let me know if that makes sense).

    – Arnaud

    Thread Starter yvandupuy


    Hello @arnaudbroes
    What do you think of this setting in the genral search apperance settings:

    Is it like this ? will it be applied to all articles ?

    Plugin Author arnaudbroes


    Hey Yvan,

    That looks good. It should be applied everywhere where you did not override it yourself by entering a custom title in the metabox.

    – Arnaud

    Thread Starter yvandupuy


    Hey @arnaudbroes

    You mean that if put this setting in the general appaerance settings tabs (like the above image), il will only be set to the future articles, not for the past articles, which in this case must be modified one by one ?

    Plugin Author arnaudbroes


    Hey @yvandupuy,

    No, it will still be set for any of your existing articles as long as you didn’t enter a custom title into the metabox for them.

    If you did set a custom title for them, then you would have to change them manually since we reasonably assume that you don’t want to use the default format if you set a custom one.

    – Arnaud

    Thread Starter yvandupuy



    Thanks that is clearer now.



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