• I’m having issues getting names formatted properly after pulling them from my LDAP server. It’s not so much an issue with the plugin as it is that the LDAP server spits out the name in a strange way. Here’s what the LDAP server has available: (I’ve censored some information)

    # ######, ldap.######.edu
    dn: role=######,dc=ldap,dc=######,dc=edu
    postOfficeBox: ############
    displayName: Last SU, First Middle
    cn: Last SU, First Middle
    title: Student
    objectClass: person
    employeeType: student
    primaryUidDn: uid=USERNAME,dc=accounts,dc=######,dc=edu
    primaryUid: USERNAME
    mail: email@#######.edu
    ou: BA
    uid: USERNAME

    The data ends up getting put into WordPress as seen in this image.
    What I want to know is if it would be possible to make it pull the email, and if it can properly parse the name to pull the appropriate first and last name.

    Thanks in advance!


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  • Thread Starter Nique_Dev


    Solved part of my issue. Changed the code in cas-maestro.php in the relevant section to the following:

    //$exploded_name = explode(' ', $user_realname);
    //$firstname = $exploded_name[0];
    //$lastname = end($exploded_name);
    $exploded_name = explode(',', $user_realname);
    $exploded_first = explode(' ', $exploded_name[1]);
    $firstname = $exploded_first[0];
    $exploded_last = explode(' ', $exploded_name[0]);
    $lastname = $exploded_last[0];

    And now it properly parses the names just how I want.
    Now I just need to figure out the email issue.

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