recognise my location (maybe the google API) and it save the address fields in spanish and the placeholder for the search bar is also in spanish…
Is there a way to change it?
this is a browser setting. The Google js script adapts to your browser language. Change your browser to english and it should display in english.
I am not aware of any way to change the browser locale using javascript.
I had my browser already set to english.
Adn for the placeholder of the search bar is the same? is it set automatically?
I had my browser already set to english.
so if you are reffering to addresses, they also appear as per their original name for me, so that’s a google maps default I am afraid.
Adn for the placeholder of the search bar is the same? is it set automatically?
no this you can change using css/javascript
I have been trying to change the placeholder text for a while, but I have no idea of coding…
I managed to change the placeholder style by additional css, but the text I haven´t found the way…
I have been trying to change the placeholder text
you can do so using jquery.
Thank you for the response. I have read the examples and have tried to replicate in my contact form, with no luck.. I don´t know wich word I have to change “#yourtextboxid” for, in this example:
$(“#yourtextboxid”).attr(“placeholder”, “variable”);
I can see in the html code of the web that it is related to:
<input name=”search-your-location” id=”search-your-location” value=”” class=”cf7marker-address pac-target-input” type=”text” placeholder=”Escribe tu consulta” autocomplete=”off” style=”display: inline-block;”>
But I have no idea of coding… Sorry to bother you, I understand if you can´t look at it.. I am asking to much…
But I have no idea of coding… Sorry to bother you, I understand if you can´t look at it.. I am asking to much…
well its a matter of principle. I code plugins for free, but I charge for solutions. So I generally refrain from giving actual solutions.
I don´t know wich word I have to change “#yourtextboxid” for, in this example:
you need to learn to code. inspect, and debug a javascript using your browser console tool.
Anyhow, the short answer is $('#search-<field-name>')
where you replace <field-name>
with your actual field name.