• Jigoshop eCommerce Support Team is committed to monitor this forum on a regular basis and one of our representatives will assist you as soon as possible. It is important to understand, that this forum is mostly being used for a purpose of providing our clients with free support. Please get familiar with the contents of this post before you decide on starting a new post.

    Urgent Issues

    Please note that we provide no guarantees and we will accept no liability in respect to free software as well as free support.

    Our developers test Jigoshop eCommerce on multiple hosting platforms and therefore when we release a new version of the plugin we are confident that it will work. Nevertheless, under certain circumstances updates can cause issues. Solutions for the most common issues can be found on this very support forum. Please review them before starting a new post.

    Free Support hours

    We monitor this forum regularly, but that doesn’t mean that our developers are available 24/7 to provide a free support to our customers. If you need urgent support — please visit http://www.jigoshop.com/support and consider one of our paid support packages.

    Before you submit a post

    To assist the Jigoshop eCommerce Support Team in identifying and solving your support inquiry, please follow the procedure below before you submit a post:

    1. If there is a fatal error (blank screen), please provide us with apache/nginx error logs
    2. If you can access your website but there is a problem on the frontend, please change the theme to a default WordPress theme and check whether that resolves the problem – if your website works fine after you’ve switched themes, please contact your theme author/supplier directly
    3. copy your Jigoshop System Info (located in the WordPress Admin Panel under Jigoshop > System Info) and post it under the description of the problem
    4. if the issue that you are experiencing is to do with one of the paid extensions, please send an email with a System Info to support@jigoshop.com

    What is not supported under free support?

    As a professional company we understand the importance of support for our product and therefore we provide a wide variety of support packages. However, it is also important to understand that Jigoshop Limited provides a complete eCommerce solution in the form of the Jigoshop eCommerce extension free of charge. Hence, it is expensive to arrange professional developers that provide support to our clients the scope of a free support that we are willing to provide our clients with is limited.

    As such, the following items are not included under free support:

    • 3rd party themes – all the 3rd party themes should be supported by their respective authors;
    • 3rd party extensions – despite the fact that we are in the process of rewriting all the 3rd party extensions, there are still some 3rd party extensions that we are simply unable to support. Please contact the authors of those extensions directly;
    • SEO support and advice is not included under free support;
    • Custom development and modification of styles is a responsibility of the website developer;
    • As much as we appreciate the input in regards to potential improvements we are unable to guarantee a prompt response to improvement requests. Potential improvements will be classified in respect to severity, percentage of clients affected as well as development time required and we will work on them accordingly;
    • Security and PCI DSS Compliance is a very expensive and difficult area which is not covered by our free support.

    Support for paid/premium Jigoshop eCommerce extensions is offered via support@jigoshop.com

    If you require professional support services, please visit Jigoshop Ecommerce Support service comparison page.

    Thank you for using Jigoshop eCommerce – we look forward to assisting you.


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