Hi, could you try once more, and if possible, record the queries you’re seeing when you access that page?
Also, once you do regain access to the Jetpack dashboard, please do go ahead and disconnect and reconnect Jetpack.
When i go to Jetpack dashboard “Site Stats” is loading and loading. I cann’t see stats from dashboard. After loading a while, it shows “Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or view your stats now on WordPress.com”.
We suspect CloudFlare might be blocking some of our requests, causing this issue.
Can you please try pausing CloudFlare (you should have an option to do that in your CloudFlare dashboard), and see if this still happens after you reconnect Jetpack?
If things work with CloudFlare paused, you’ll have to contact their support so they can check the connection logs on their end to see why it’s blocking Jetpack.
I paused cloudflare, nothing is happened. Then reinstall my jetpack, same thing is happening. you can debug my jetpack, it shows error.
my site: bdniyog.com
This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by
This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by
I’m wondering if it’s related to this.
Can you find out if there are too many queries when loading the Jetpack page?
I Cannot understand your link’s post details.
My site address is: https://www.bdniyog.com
When i debug it shows unknown error.
Using jetpack, now it increases my memory process, and sometimes limits exists. If I disable jetpack this problem is gone.
The thread @supernovia linked to indicates a problem with Jetpack 8.6 that was causing some spikes in memory usage on sites. That issue was fixed in 8.6.1.
Using jetpack, now it increases my memory process, and sometimes limits exists
If you’re hitting memory limits on your server, can you try increasing those limits? Your hosting provider should be able to help you with that.
My question is why jetpack debug shows unknown error of my site?
I tried by activating only jetpack on my site and disable all plugin without jetpack. but when I go to the Dashboard of my website. My website memory limit exists. This was ok in previous, I could go to my dashboard. Now it is not possible for me to go dashboard.
I talk with host provider, they told me to talk with you.
My Memory in Host: 256MB | Provider: Hostinger
I think this issue may have been fixed after we started talking.
Please, delete Jetpack then reinstall it. Are you able to connect it then?
If not can you please copy the exact errors you are seeing?
I did this job but nothing happened. Same previous problem. Nothing shows after loading Dashboard there is too much time loading. Another Settings and stats options are ok. But problem in Dashboard. And also jetpack debug shows Unknown Error.
Please have your host try this:
curl -I www.bdniyog.com/xmlrpc.php
The “moved” message needs to be corrected; we need to be able to access that to connect properly.
Please tell them too, I get the same error when I try to connect to the front page of the site.
Error enabling Site accelerator. SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0
why it is showing?
That could be a conflict with a plugin, but first you’ll need to address the issues with the connection.
Did your host try this yet?
curl -I www.bdniyog.com/xmlrpc.php