Plugin Support
Hello, @angelxchild.
Thank you for your review.
The plugin is free and distributed under the GPLv2 license.
CleanTalk anti-spam plugin works with a cloud base anti-spam service and this plugin is a Software as a service (SaaS). CleanTalk it’s a free plugin that works with premium Cloud Anti-Spam service.
The fact that the plugin has a premium type service is mentioned in the plugin annotation and in its WordPress catalog description:
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We offer the most fastest, strongest, wide functionality anti-spam for any WordPress users for a very cheap price.
All the best.
Thread Starter
Stop giving everyone who calls out your vague description this canned response. Like I said, the fact that your plugin is free means absolutely nothing if it doesn’t work without a subscription service. Most SaaS plugins make that very clear, or they offer partial features for their free plugin. You do neither.
Plugin Author
Thanks for feedback.
We mentioned several times in plugin Description, Dashboard (at and email notifications about free trial.
If you let me know of few examples of plugins that you mentioned as ‘very clear’, I will do my best to check what we have to update in our side.