• With this plugin or its version of Paypal installed your site will lose more than 20-30 points in the Google speed test.
    I told the developer and he didn’t do anything, just say that it’s a Stripe thing when it’s not true because it doesn’t happen with the official plugin.
    Even with this plugin disabled and only the Paypal plugin from the same developer, my site loads Stripe connections. It doesn’t make sense, poorly optimized, zero support.

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  • Plugin Author Payment Plugins


    What a low effort review, an exact copy of this one in fact.

    zero support

    Strange claim considering you created a support request HERE and stated:

    Install the plugin and it’s fantastic.

    If there isn’t any support then why did you receive several replies?

    It doesn’t make sense, poorly optimized

    Do you honestly think 150,000+ merchants would use this plugin if it was slow or not optimized? If something doesn’t make sense, create a support request and we will assist you.

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