Thanks for the concern.
We will check & fix soon.
Your feedback will help us to improve the plugin.
Keep in touch.
Thanks / sarwar
Developer tested but didn’t find any admin JS issue.
May be Theme specific issue.
Which theme you are using?
Also, it may conflict with other plugins.
In that case, if you inform installed plugins list then we can check & fix.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
Regards / Sarwar
Hi, thanks for your respond
The admin side is the default theme and the front end is a child of Divi
I am using 5 other GD plugins with no issue
about conflicting with other plugins I don’t know how to check as currently 47 plugins are active on the site
by the way, currently, for testimonial I am using Powerpack and this is why I’m looking for another one
Thanks for your response.
Can you please contact here?
So that we can talk more details.
You can mention about this ticket.
Thanks / Sarwar