• jaroslawistok


    I am not sure if I understand it right.
    I just want to publish daily a post prepared before with status pending revision.

    Nothing else, not to repost pld posts which I set to 9999 days.

    Nothing will be published

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author johnh10


    Check the log.

    Thread Starter jaroslawistok



    2024-10-09 22:24:57 – Auto Post Scheduler Enabled!
    2024-10-09 22:24:57 – DEBUG: First wp_next_scheduled for 2024-10-09 22:24:57 .

    On Top is:

    Current Status: Enabled

    Current server time:2024-10-11 13:45:28

    Next auto post check:2024-10-09 22:24:57

    Why this? Next check is passed

    Plugin Author johnh10


    Looks like your cron isn’t working, so it is not calling APS.

    Recommend a plugin like WP Crontrol so you can see what is going on with your cron.

    Thread Starter jaroslawistok


    Is here a link or code for crone?

    Thread Starter jaroslawistok


    I red FAQ. Is ist possible to have both active?

    Not disabling wp cron because I don’t know which plugin could do something wrong

    Enable cronjob but I need a link or code for this

    In Plesak i can

    1. Command


    3. PHP-Skript

    I have there another cron in form:


    I tried this with URL but it doesn’t work

    https://istok.de/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=’date +\%s


    Die Aufgabe “https://istok.de/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=’date +\%s” wurde in 0 Sekunden abgeschlossen, jedoch traten Fehler auf

    curl: (3) URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL
    Unable to fetch URL: https://istok.de/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=’date +%s

    Thread Starter jaroslawistok


    I put a cronjob. istok.de/wp-con.php

    wp php cron is is disabled and a file A pseudo-cron daemon for scheduling WordPress tasks. cronjob.php is there

    But when starting a job it shows

    Die Aufgabe “istok.de/wp-cron.php” wurde in 0 Sekunden abgeschlossen, jedoch traten Fehler auf

    Could not open input file: istok.de/wp-cron.php

    Plugin Author johnh10


    wp-cron is part of WordPress, not part of this plugin.

    When you fix your cron, all scheduled events should start working, including APS.

    Thread Starter jaroslawistok


    But you use this part of wordpress to get your plugin to function.
    You also write about cronjobs in FAQ.

    So if you dont want to help write it so

    Plugin Author johnh10


    I can’t fix every part of WordPress that doesn’t work on your website. APS depends on cron so yes there is an FAQ mentioning it.

    Thread Starter jaroslawistok


    with a dead link to more about ist. 🙂 very helpfully

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