Running WP 4.7 with the Buddy Theme by Ghostpool.
1. Notification (when it works) only shows up on the bottom right….regardless of what option I select.
2. When I notification does display, there is no sound. Again, I switch sounds to on or off and nothing happens.
3. I have all notification options selected including activity stream. Not sure exactly what is supposed to show a notification but if one is to comment on an activity stream post, no notification happens to the person the comment/reply happens to (*see below about @mentions).
4. Not receiving notifications for private messages consistently and definitely not receiving them for replies to those private messages.
*There are no notifications for @mentions. So, this is either not a feature or it isn’t working on my install. If it isn’t a feature, you should add it in future updates to the plugin.
For now, I am going to have to deactivate the plugin. It just doesn’t do what it says it does. I won’t rate it yet as it seems to be pretty new….I’ll give you a chance to work the bugs out.
Thank you for the effort thus far though….it is a much needed product since the other live notification by Brajesh Singh doesn’t seem to be getting updated.
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