In the “Loco Translate” plugin Press the button: Sync
which will update your UM translation files.
I had already done that but it didn’t solve it.
After the Sync did you get the Delete message in the Source text column?
This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by missveronica.
No. This is what happened http://youtu.be/ujEJQwHsw**
This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by juniorbra.
Yes, I followed. I managed to translate everything except this sentence.
I am trying to find out what is wrong in UM.
Your translation is OK.
When I tried to translate this Delete message I got the same issue.
The translation is performed by UM
but later in the code the original English text is loaded again.
This reload of English text is also performed for some more texts.
I will make an UM bug report at GitHub.
A fix for this issue is this code snippet:
add_filter( "um_get_option_filter__delete_account_text", 'my_um_delete_text', 10, 1 );
function my_um_delete_text( $text ) {
return __( $text, 'ultimate-member' );
Install by adding to your child-theme functions.php file
or use the “Code Snippets” plugin.
Do you have the translated text in
UM -> Settings -> Account -> “Account Deletion Custom Text”?
Hi @missveronicatv ,
Now it is working. Thanks
This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by juniorbra.
Thanks for letting us know how it resolved the issue.
There is one more missing translation:
We are sorry. We cannot find any users who match your search criteria.
I was unable to translate it using Loco or Poedit
Hi @juniorbra
Are you able to locate that string in the .po translation file? What’s the version of UM you’re using on your site?
Hi, this string is not in the .po file but in the plugin’s settings area. I’ve already changed it. Thanks
Thanks for letting us know how you’ve resolved the issue.