• Resolved edsl



    I just noticed that when I’m trying to going to an scheduled event from a calendar this is not redirecting correctly, but when clicking in a past event it is working ok.
    I don’t know if you understand me but you can try this calendar http://labdecolombia.aplimedia.co/calendar/torneo-aguila-2015-fecha-7/, if you click in the scheduled event (the last one of the list), then there is not redirecting correctly but all other past events work fine.

    I have tested and this is a problem with WordPress 4.2, when I was using WordPress 4.0.2 everything worked fine.

    Thank you.


Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)
  • vittak


    I also have this problem after upgrading WordPress.
    Stopped working links to activities that should only take place.

    Plugin Author Brian


    @edsl @vittak could you try flushing permalinks by going to Settings > Permalinks, then click “Save Changes”

    Thread Starter edsl


    Hello Brian.

    I’ve already did this several times but still not working.

    Plugin Author Brian


    @edsl Ah, found the issue. I’ll be releasing an update shortly.

    Plugin Author Brian


    Thanks for letting me know about this issue. SportsPress version 1.8.2 includes a fix for future event permalinks. Once you’ve updated, the links should automatically start working again.

    Thread Starter edsl


    Hello Brian.

    Thank you very much, now it’s working fine with latest update!



    Hello Brian
    I upgraded to a new version 1.8.2 but still not working
    http://barcaclub.ru/calendar/sezon-2014-2015/ http://joxi.ru/brRE1KJI1GWEA1
    Widget does not work http://joxi.ru/KAg7xBeCJ0B8Al

    Plugin Author ThemeBoy


    @edsl glad to hear that 🙂

    @vittak it’s possible that the template is being overridden by the theme. Could you paste in the output of SportsPress > System Status here? (please use the “code” button below)

    ### Окружение ###

    Домашний URL: http://barcaclub.ru
    URL Сайта: http://barcaclub.ru
    Версия SportPress: 1.8.2
    Версия WordPress: 4.2
    WP Multisite Включен: Нет
    Информация Веб Сервера: Apache/2.2.22 (Debian)
    Версия PHP: 5.4.36-0+deb7u3
    WP Лимит памяти: 40 MB – Рекомендуем установить насройки памяти как минимум 64MB. Смотрите: Увеличение памяти PHP
    WP Режим отладки: Нет
    WP Язык: По умолчанию
    WP Максимальный загружаемый файл:96 MB
    PHP Максимальный размер записи:96 MB
    PHP Временной лимит: 30
    PHP Максимальный ввод переменных:1000
    SUHOSIN Установлен: Нет
    Часовой пояс по умолчанию :Стандартная временная зона UTC
    fsockopen/cURL: Ваш сервер имеет включенные fsockopen и cURL.
    SOAP Client: Ваш сервер имеет включенный класс SOAP Client.

    ### Плагины ###

    Установленные: Share Buttons by AddToAny опубликовал AddToAny версия 1.5.6
    Akismet опубликовал Automattic версия 3.1.1
    EWWW Image Optimizer опубликовал Shane Bishop версия 2.3.2
    Visual Composer Customizer Add-on опубликовал CodeNiners версия 1.0
    WPBakery Visual Composer опубликовал Michael M – WPBakery.com версия 4.4.2
    Mega Main Menu опубликовал MegaMain.com версия 2.0.5
    Regenerate Thumbnails опубликовал Viper007Bond версия 2.2.4
    Revolution Slider опубликовал ThemePunch версия 4.6.5
    RusToLat опубликовал Anton Skorobogatov версия 0.3
    SportsPress опубликовал ThemeBoy версия 1.8.2
    TinyMCE Advanced опубликовал Andrew Ozz версия 4.1.9
    Composium – Visual Composer Extensions опубликовал Tekanewa Scripts версия 3.1.0
    WooCommerce опубликовал WooThemes версия 2.3.8
    WordPress SEO опубликовал Команда Yoast версия 2.1.1
    WP Super Cache опубликовал Automattic версия 1.4.4

    ### Конфигурация SP ###

    Вид спорта: soccer
    Исход события: Победа (win) [10]
    Поражение (loss) [20]
    Ничья (draw) [30]

    Результаты событий: мин () [0]
    Минуты (min) [0]
    1 тайм (firsthalf) [10]
    2 тайм (secondhalf) [20]
    Голы (goals) [30]

    Статистика игроков: Голы (goals) [10]
    Голевые передачи (assists) [20]
    Желтые карточки (yellowcards) [30]
    Красные карточки (redcards) [40]

    Колонки таблиц: и (p = $eventsplayed) [10]
    в (w = $win) [20]
    н (d = $draw) [30]
    п (l = $loss) [40]
    з (f = $goalsfor) [50] {3 ↓}
    п (a = $goalsagainst) [60]
    р (gd = $goalsfor – $goalsagainst) [70] {2 ↓}
    о (pts = $win * 3 + $draw) [80] {1 ↓}

    Ед.измерения игрока: День рождения (birthday) [0]
    Рост (height) [50]
    Вес (weight) [70]

    Статистика игрока: Игры (appearances = $eventsplayed) [70]
    Win Ratio (winratio = $win / $eventsplayed * 100) [80]
    Draw Ratio (drawratio = $draw / $eventsplayed * 100) [90]
    Loss Ratio (lossratio = $loss / $eventsplayed * 100) [100]

    ### Классификация SP ###

    Соревнования: Кубок Короля (2-kubok-korolya)
    Лига BBVA (0-primary-league)
    Лига чемпионов (1-liga-chempionov)

    Сезоны: 2014/2015 (2015)
    Место проведения: Альянц Арена (alyanc-arena)
    Амстердам Арена (amsterdam-arena)
    Аноэта (anoeta)
    Балаидос (balaidos)
    Висенте Кальдерон (visente-kalderon)
    ГСП (gsp)
    Камп Ноу (kamp-nou)
    Кампо-де-Вальекас (kampo-de-valekas)
    Колозеум Альфонсо Перес (kolozeum-alfonso-peres)
    Корнелья-Эль Прат (kornelya-el-prat)
    Ла-Росаледа (la-rosaleda)
    Месталья (mestalya)
    Мунисипаль де Ипуруа (munisipal-de-ipurua)
    Нуэво Лос-Карменес (nuevo-los-karmenes)
    Нуэво Эль Арканхель (nuevo-el-arkanxel)
    Парк де Пренс (park-de-prens)
    Рамон Санчес Писхуан (ramon-sanches-pisxuan)
    Риасор (riasor)
    Сан-Мамес (san-mames)
    Сантьяго Бернабеу (santyago-bernabeu)
    Сьюдад де Валенсия (syudad-de-valensiya)
    Эль-Мадригал (el-madrigal)
    Эстадио де лос Хуэгос Медитерранеос (estadio-de-los-xuegos-mediterraneos)
    Эстадио Мануэль Мартинес Валеро (estadio-manuel-martines-valero)
    Эстадио Эль Алькорас (estadio-el-alkoras)
    Этихад (etixad)

    Амплуа: Голкипер (0-goalkeeper)
    Защитник (1-defender)
    Нападающий (3-forward)
    Полузащитник (2-midfielder)
    Тренер (4-trener)

    ### Типы данных SP ###

    События: 51 publish
    7 future
    0 draft
    0 private
    0 trash
    6 auto-draft
    0 inherit

    Календари: 4 publish
    0 future
    0 draft
    0 private
    0 trash
    0 auto-draft
    0 inherit

    Команды : 26 publish
    0 future
    0 draft
    0 private
    0 trash
    0 auto-draft
    0 inherit

    Таблицы лиг: 4 publish
    0 future
    0 draft
    0 private
    0 trash
    0 auto-draft
    0 inherit

    Игроки: 394 publish
    0 future
    2 draft
    0 private
    2 trash
    8 auto-draft
    0 inherit

    Списки игроков: 49 publish
    0 future
    0 draft
    0 private
    0 trash
    0 auto-draft
    0 inherit

    Тех.персонал: 1 publish
    0 future
    0 draft
    0 private
    0 trash
    0 auto-draft
    0 inherit

    ### Тема ###

    Имя темы: Champion – Child Theme
    Версия темы: 1.1
    URL Автора: http://stylemixthemes.com/

    ### Шаблоны ###

    Переопределения шаблона (SportsPress):event-blocks.php версия – устарела. Версия ядра 1.8.2
    event-list.php версия – устарела. Версия ядра 1.8.2
    event-logos.php версия – устарела. Версия ядра 1.6
    league-table.php версия – устарела. Версия ядра 1.6
    player-details.php версия – устарела. Версия ядра 1.8
    player-gallery-thumbnail.php версия – устарела. Версия ядра 1.5
    player-gallery.php версия – устарела. Версия ядра 1.5
    player-photo.php версия – устарела. Версия ядра 1.4
    staff-details.php версия – устарела. Версия ядра 1.6
    staff-photo.php версия – устарела. Версия ядра 1.4
    team-lists.php версия – устарела. Версия ядра 1.1
    team-logo.php версия – устарела. Версия ядра 1.4

    Plugin Author Brian


    @vittak Ok, I see the issue. The theme has its own template overrides. The ones affecting the event links are:


    Has the author of the theme released an update? If not, you’ll need to edit each of these files and replace some functions. Open up the files inside wp-content/themes/champion/sportspress and look for:

    get_permalink( $event_id )

    or similar, where the function get_permalink() is used. Then, replace it using the same first variable and 2 additional arguments: false, true. For example,

    get_post_permalink( $event_id, false, true )

    In the example above, the variable is called $event_id, so we used the same variable in the replacement. However, if it is called something else like $event, $post_id, or $event->ID, please be sure to use the exact same variable in the replaced function.

    All fixed now everything works.
    Thank you very much Brian!

    Plugin Author Brian


    @vittak glad to hear that!

    I have the same Problem with scheduled events. But I don´t understand your approach.

    Permalinks of past events look like: …/?sp_event=1933 – These links are working.

    Permalinks of scheduled events look like: …/?post_type=sp_event&p=203 – These links don´t working.

    I´ve installed your update (Sportspress 1.8.2) and an update of my theme.


    ### Umgebung ###
    Homepage-URL:            http://www.xn--djk-pttlingen-0ob.de
    Webseiten-URL:           http://www.xn--djk-pttlingen-0ob.de
    SportsPress Version:     1.8.2
    WordPress Version:       4.2.1
    WordPress Multisite aktiviert:Nein
    Webserver Information:   Apache
    PHP Version:             5.5.22-nmm1
    WordPress PHP-Speicher-Limit:40 MB - Wir empfehlen den PHP-Speicher auf mindestens 64MB zu setzen. Informationen dazu: Für PHP freigegebenen Speicher erhöhen (Engl.)
    WordPress Debug-Modus:   Nein
    WordPress Sprache:       Standard
    WordPress Max. Upload-Größe:200 MB
    PHP Max. Eingabegröße:   200 MB
    PHP Zeitlimit:           30
    PHP Max. Eingabevariablen:1000
    SUHOSIN installiert:     Nein
    Standard-Zeitzone:       Standard-Zeitzone ist UTC
    <code>fsockopen</code> / <code>cURL</code>:Ihr Webserver hat fsockopen und cURL aktiviert.
    SOAP Client:             Ihr Webserver hat die SOAP Client Klasse aktiviert.
    ### Plugins ###
    Installierte Plugins:    Breadcrumb NavXT von John Havlik Version 5.2.0
                             Conditional Widgets von Jason Lemahieu and Kevin Graeme (Cooperative Extension Technology Services) Version 2.1
                             Contact Form DB von Michael Simpson Version 2.8.36
                             Contact Form 7 von Takayuki Miyoshi Version 4.1.2
                             Custom Background Extended von Justin Tadlock Version 0.1.0
                             Cyclone Slider 2 von Nico Amarilla Version 2.7.7
                             Duplicator von LifeInTheGrid Version 0.5.16
                             Events Manager von Marcus Sykes Version 5.5.6
                             Responsive Lightbox von dFactory Version 1.4.10
                             Shortcodes Ultimate von Vladimir Anokhin Version 4.9.6
                             Simple Image Sizes von Rahe Version 3.0.3
                             Dagon Design Sitemap Generator von Dagon Design Version 3.17
                             Page Builder by SiteOrigin von Greg Priday Version 3.0
                             Isotope Gallery von SakuraPlugins Version 1.5.0
                             SportsPress Birthdays von ThemeBoy Version 1.6
                             SportsPress von ThemeBoy Version 1.8.2
                             Statify von Sergej Müller Version 1.4.1
                             TablePress Extension: Responsive Tables von Tobias Bäthge Version 1.2
                             TablePress von Tobias Bäthge Version 1.6
                             Team Members PRO von WP Darko Version 1.3
                             TinyMCE Advanced von Andrew Ozz Version 4.1.9
                             White Label CMS von www.videousermanuals.com Version 1.5.3
                             WP Maintenance von Florent Maillefaud Version 2.5.6
                             WP-Memory-Usage von Alex Rabe Version 1.2.2
    ### SportsPress Konfigurierung ###
    Sportart:                soccer
    Spielausgänge der Begegnungen:Win (win) [10]
                             Loss (loss) [20]
                             Draw (draw) [30]
    Regeln:                  1st Half (firsthalf) [10]
                             2nd Half (secondhalf) [20]
                             Goals (goals) [30]
    Spielerleistung:         Goals (goals) [10]
                             Assists (assists) [20]
                             Yellow Cards (yellowcards) [30]
                             Red Cards (redcards) [40]
    Tabellenspalten:         P (p = $eventsplayed) [10]
                             W (w = $win) [20]
                             D (d = $draw) [30]
                             L (l = $loss) [40]
                             F (f = $goalsfor) [50] {3 ↓}
                             A (a = $goalsagainst) [60]
                             GD (gd = $goalsfor - $goalsagainst) [70] {2 ↓}
                             Pts (pts = $win * 3 + $draw) [80] {1 ↓}
    Spielermetrik:           Height (height) [50]
                             Weight (weight) [70]
    Spielerstatistiken:      Appearances (appearances = $eventsplayed) [70]
                             Win Ratio (winratio = $win / $eventsplayed * 100) [80]
                             Draw Ratio (drawratio = $draw / $eventsplayed * 100) [90]
                             Loss Ratio (lossratio = $loss / $eventsplayed * 100) [100]
    ### SportsPress Klassifikationsschema ###
    Wettbewerbe:             Kreisliga A Warndt (kreisliga-a-warndt)
                             Kreisliga B Warndt (kreisliga-b-warndt)
                             Saarlandpokal AH (saarlandpokal-ah)
    Saisons:                 2014/15 (2014-15)
    Austragungsorte:         AFC Saarbrücken (afc-saarbruecken)
                             Borussia Püttlingen (borussia-puettlingen)
                             DJK Püttlingen (djk-puettlingen)
                             FC Albazzurra (fc-albazzurra)
                             FC Dorf im Warndt (fc-dorf-im-warndt)
                             FSG Schiffweiler (fsg-schiffweiler)
                             FV Püttlingen (fv-puettlingen)
                             SC Altenkessel (sc-altenkessel)
                             SC Ay Yildiz (sc-ay-yildiz)
                             SF Köllerbach (sf-koellerbach)
                             SG St. Nikolaus (sg-st-nikolaus)
                             SV Karlsbrunn (sv-karlsbrunn)
                             SV Klarenthal (sv-klarenthal)
                             SV Naßweiler (sv-nasssweiler)
                             SV Röchling Völklingen (sv-roechling-voelklingen)
                             VFB Luisenthal (vfb-luisenthal)
    ### SportsPress Formatvorlagen ###
    Begegnungen:             18 publish
                             5 future
                             0 draft
                             0 private
                             2 trash
                             1 auto-draft
                             0 inherit
    Kalender:                0 publish
                             0 future
                             0 draft
                             0 private
                             0 trash
                             0 auto-draft
                             0 inherit
    Mannschaften:            30 publish
                             0 future
                             0 draft
                             0 private
                             0 trash
                             0 auto-draft
                             0 inherit
    Ligatabellen:            0 publish
                             0 future
                             0 draft
                             0 private
                             0 trash
                             0 auto-draft
                             0 inherit
    Spieler:                 0 publish
                             0 future
                             0 draft
                             0 private
                             0 trash
                             0 auto-draft
                             0 inherit
    Spielerlisten:           0 publish
                             0 future
                             0 draft
                             0 private
                             0 trash
                             0 auto-draft
                             0 inherit
    Mitarbeiter:             1 publish
                             0 future
                             0 draft
                             0 private
                             0 trash
                             0 auto-draft
                             0 inherit
    ### Theme ###
    Theme-Name:              BrickYard Premium
    Theme-Version:           1.2.5
    Autoren-URL:             http://www.tomastoman.cz/
    ### Templates ###
    Template-Überschreibungen (Overrides):Aktuell keine Überschreibungen für das Theme.

    Plugin Author Brian


    @maestros try changing the permalink structure via Settings > Permalinks. We recommend any of the options except for default.

    Thanks. It works

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