• Resolved milleniumdemo


    Hello Mr.Stephan
    I have created a page in my localhost wordpress site which uses a popular products and products widget.
    When I switch language, this page still displays the default language instead of the selected language.
    Please help.

    The page I need help with: https://snipboard.io/ejw2Rs.jpg

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  • Plugin Author sbouey



    You don’t give me a lot of information to understand the problem can you give me a screen capture of the falang settings

    The most comon error is to set to use tha automatic language detection without the show slug for main language, i have put a message to explain both must be check is automatic detection is selected


    Thread Starter milleniumdemo


    Thread Starter milleniumdemo


    But is there any ways translate widgets without checking show slug for main language?
    Because previously I created my site without slug for main language.

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by milleniumdemo.
    Thread Starter milleniumdemo


    I have checked both and it’s still didn’t work…

    Plugin Author sbouey


    the response was in my first post, you have to chek “show shortcut for primary langauge”


    disabled “automatic language selection”


    Thread Starter milleniumdemo


    Here I disabled both.
    but it’s still not working..

    Plugin Author sbouey


    What is your default language ?

    all the content is writted in that default language in WP

    do you have a link to see the problem

    Can you save the permalink another time, try in private mode in your browser


    Thread Starter milleniumdemo


    My default language is Russian.
    No I can’t. Current time I’m preparing my website localy in localhost.

    I saw previous threads related with this issue (posts widgets). Then you described that it’s related with gutenberg builder. I’m using Gutenberg.
    May be I should use “wordpress classic builder” to resolve this issue?

    Plugin Author sbouey


    No the gutenberg builder problem is because it’s not easy to translate a post a page completly build with gutenberg , it’s work but it need to be improve.

    like is see on your site all should work you have classic woocommerce product , all have to work


    Plugin Author sbouey


    it’s complicated to know why you have this problem on your local compter.

    first the settings was not set correctly

    post screecapture of the language configuration / a wc product and the translation

    Plugin Author sbouey


    can you give a screen capture of th settings > general

    Thread Starter milleniumdemo


    Everything is correct with translation of woocommerce products. There is only one issue with product widgets…



    • This reply was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by milleniumdemo.
    Plugin Author sbouey


    Sorry i understand now the problem you have, on the last screenshot

    first you says “When I switch language, this page still displays the default language instead of the selected language.”

    but the main problem seem to be solved , the page is dispayed in english in your screenshot with product displayed in english (translation).

    Only the right widget for woocommerce product display the product in your default language russian

    what widget do you use , how it’s configured to make the same configuration locally to see what’s wrong


    Thread Starter milleniumdemo


    Yes, sorry. seems like I explained the issue incorrect to you..
    Here is the widget settings. I use gutenberg widgets

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by milleniumdemo.
    Plugin Author sbouey


    Ok, i see the problem it’s seem more a problem in falang with this widget but i have to test locally

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