I’m not sure I follow you fully – but I tend to use
Magic Tag & Pods Templates useful docs: Magic Tags – https://docs.pods.io/displaying-pods/magic-tags/, Template Tags – https://docs.pods.io/displaying-pods/template-tags/
as they work there too and a shorter and offer a bit more options…
Thank you, I found them by using beaver builder on the single post.
[wpbb post:pods_display field=’portfolio_text_image’]
[wpbb post:pods_display field=’portfolio_link’]
These work on in the custom loop but this plugin doesn’t find them unless you go and use beaver themer/beaver builder on the single post.
I am using the “posts” module.
This allows you to add a query to any page or post and choose 1) custom post type 2) number of posts to show and so on.
When I am using this module and I am customizing the output of the loop when I go to add a connector field and choose Pods, it doesn’t detect any are available to use, because I am on an arbitrary page not a single post where these fields are active, but it would be smart if it recognized that I am editing a loop and the post type set in the loop is the data to query for any existing post types.
I created a video to illustrate better, hope this helps.
Thanks for the Video, I’m not sure I can fix that need to dig into it if that info is available can you please file a bug report at:
https://github.com/pods-framework/pods-beaver-builder-themer-add-on/issues/new. Include any relevant screenshots or video, your process of how you got the error/problem and any relevant code. Thanks!
didn’t catch that as I prefer the magic tag style or use templates ^^
any html code
{@your field}
more html code
@one3rdnerd if you have any idea for a better naming I’m open to suggestions!!! I’m not happy with it myself :/
One more thing – https://support.pods.io/chat/ is our support slack!
I got it to work once I figured out the shortcodes by creating a single template in beaver themer for this custom post type.
But I think it would be good if it looked in the query, I think ACF does that with custom fields and Beaver Builder.
Are you able to replicate the issue by creating a posts module and then trying to add custom fields inside the loop customizer?
I submitted the info I can to github.
Just following up on this to see if you have had a chance to have a look at why this functionality doesn’t work on archives or pages.
I’m having this issue too. Any word on why it’s not showing any fields in Beaver Builder?
@nbanker Ditto. I can’t remember the exact details on rules, like you can only pull the field if you’re in an actual Archive for the specific Pod? I remember having issues but it’s been a year or two since I’ve done anything too crazy with Pods and Themer.
@one3rdnerd do you have a link to the bug report on github? Did you hear anything back?
I think I ended up using magic tags.
I was hoping to new BB KB would have a better index of knowledge on Pods and the shortcodes, but no, still just the one Pods Use Case. One of these times I’m going to end up writing one myself and publishing it.