• Resolved aerelr


    Hi all,

    Long-time user of Caldera forms here (love your product) and recently we attempted to make some speed improvements to our webstore. As part of this, we installed Autoptimize plugin, among several other speed-enhancing plugins.

    I know as of Monday evening Caldera forms was still working properly, and Autoptimize was installed well before that, so i’m not sure that was necessarily the issue. Another culprit could possibly be cloudflare, which was also installed, but i have tried running the caldera forms with one or both of those plugins turned off and still no luck.

    Here’s what i’m seeing in the Console when i try to run the caldera forms without Autoptimize or Cloudflare activated.

    ajax-core.min.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘data’ of undefined
    at Object.error (ajax-core.min.js:1)
    at Object.request_error (jquery-baldrick.min.js:1)
    at c (jquery-baldrick.min.js:1)
    at Object.error (jquery-baldrick.min.js:1)
    at i (jquery.js:2)
    at Object.fireWith [as rejectWith] (jquery.js:2)
    at y (jquery.js:4)
    at XMLHttpRequest.c (jquery.js:4)

    Any thoughts on if there is a resolution to this?

    Thank you!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter aerelr


    When i try to run the caldera forms WITH autoptimize turned on, this is what i get.

    autoptimize_290f52abf39634900011489d99e81de5.js:244 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘data’ of undefined
    at Object.error (autoptimize_290f52abf39634900011489d99e81de5.js:244)
    at Object.request_error (autoptimize_290f52abf39634900011489d99e81de5.js:243)
    at c (autoptimize_290f52abf39634900011489d99e81de5.js:243)
    at Object.error (autoptimize_290f52abf39634900011489d99e81de5.js:243)
    at i (jquery.js:2)
    at Object.fireWith [as rejectWith] (jquery.js:2)
    at y (jquery.js:4)
    at XMLHttpRequest.c (jquery.js:4)
    error @ autoptimize_290f52abf39634900011489d99e81de5.js:244
    request_error @ autoptimize_290f52abf39634900011489d99e81de5.js:243
    c @ autoptimize_290f52abf39634900011489d99e81de5.js:243
    error @ autoptimize_290f52abf39634900011489d99e81de5.js:243
    i @ jquery.js:2
    fireWith @ jquery.js:2
    y @ jquery.js:4
    c @ jquery.js:4
    XMLHttpRequest.send (async)
    send @ jquery.js:4
    ajax @ jquery.js:4
    request @ autoptimize_290f52abf39634900011489d99e81de5.js:243
    c @ autoptimize_290f52abf39634900011489d99e81de5.js:243
    (anonymous) @ autoptimize_290f52abf39634900011489d99e81de5.js:243
    dispatch @ jquery.js:3
    r.handle @ jquery.js:3

    Thread Starter aerelr


    I was thinking it might be easiest to de-activate autoptimize, then re-install caldera forms (i have exported copies of my forms), then re-import my forms.

    Any thoughts on if re-install might be my best bet?


    If the problem occurs when Autoptimize (JS optimization) is not active, then it cannot but occur if AO is active as well I’m afraid.

    But I had a quick look, you seem to have Autoptimize on, there’s no JS error on the conosle and the form seems to be working (as in it loads ok and I can interact with it) @aerelr?

    frank (ao dev)

    Thread Starter aerelr


    Hello Frank,

    Appreciate the response.

    I had turned back-on Autoptimize after testing, because as i indicated previously, i know we had a point in time when both form and Autoptimize were both working.

    The issue is not on the form loading or interactions, it’s purely when you hit the submit button (only visible after entering valid entries), then it just gets stuck in a thinking loop forever and is not able to process the “redirect”

    Hope this helps!


    so is

    [the form] just gets stuck in a thinking loop forever and is not able to process the “redirect”

    also the case when AO is not active?

    Thread Starter aerelr


    Yes that’s correct, even when AO is not active it gets stuck in the same loop, but throws the different set of JS errors from Console view (those i pasted above).


    Plugin Author Josh Pollock


    Hi, Josh from Caldera Forms here.

    I’d recommend telling Caldera Forms not to minimize CSS and JavaScript if you’re using auto optimize to minify it https://calderaforms.com/doc/caldera_forms_render_assets_minify/

    That said, looks like it’s probably a server-side error, during submission. If you need help troubleshooting that, we have support at https://calderaforms.com/support

    Yes that’s correct, even when AO is not active it gets stuck in the same loop, but throws the different set of JS errors from Console view (those i pasted above).

    the error might not be identical (because the aggregated JS’s URL is different from the original one), but the basic error is the same;

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘data’ of undefined

    I’m pretty confident the Caldera-support-crew can help you fix this, ping me here or in the AO support forum if you need my assistance!

    have a nice weekend,

    Thread Starter aerelr


    Hi Josh & Frank,

    I really appreciate both of your guys’ responses. I think i’m going to try have one of our developers try add the functions.php return false filter that Josh kindly linked and see if that easily fixes the issue. I’ll update whether it works or not.

    In the event it does not, we’ll certainly be signing up for priority support and you’ll hear from us through that to hopefully get this resolved asap.

    Thank you both again, great support and great product!



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