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  • Anonymous User 9905372


    If anyone of you knows how can I subscribe to these forums whenever one of you submits a new bug, I’d be grateful … 😀

    I’m checking it out now …

    Anonymous User 9905372


    It looks like the books aren’t in Google’s public API. So I can’t help you with this, sorry.

    That’s not the fix….

    I have tried a valid ISBN against the Google Books API

    9781559351201 = Lord of the Rings, and it validated against the API.

    The same issue is still valid. The problem is that the ISBN is not saved in the database at all. After you hit save, the ISBN field is reset.

    Tested on WP 3.4.2 and 3.5 as well.

    Anonymous User 9905372


    I’m looking into it!

    Anonymous User 9905372


    @catalin Cimpanu

    Yes the book is shown in that search, but if you call the public API with the ISBN number:

    I only get

     "kind": "books#volumes",
     "totalItems": 0

    as a response. And I don’t know of any other way to get a book from the Google Books API.

    If you try other ISBNs (completely random):


    These show a valid response in the form of:

     "kind": "books#volumes",
     "totalItems": 1,
     "items": [
       "kind": "books#volume",
       "id": "sjDx3DlNveQC",
       "etag": "jbU3za75vs0",
       "selfLink": "",
       "volumeInfo": {
        "title": "Gone Girl",
        "authors": [
         "Gillian Flynn"
        "publisher": "Crown Pub",
        "publishedDate": "2012-06-05",
        "description": "When a beautiful woman goes missing on her fifth wedding anniversary, her diary reveals hidden turmoil in her marriage and a mysterious illness; while her husband, desperate to clear himself of suspicion, realizes that something more disturbing than murder may have occurred. By the best-selling author of Dark Places. 70,000 first printing.",
        "industryIdentifiers": [
          "type": "ISBN_10",
          "identifier": "030758836X"
          "type": "ISBN_13",
          "identifier": "9780307588364"
        "pageCount": 419,
        "printType": "BOOK",
        "averageRating": 3.5,
        "ratingsCount": 306,
        "contentVersion": "preview-1.0.0",
        "imageLinks": {
         "smallThumbnail": "",
         "thumbnail": ""
        "language": "en",
        "previewLink": "",
        "infoLink": "",
        "canonicalVolumeLink": ""
       "saleInfo": {
        "country": "SI",
        "saleability": "NOT_FOR_SALE",
        "isEbook": false
       "accessInfo": {
        "country": "SI",
        "viewability": "NO_PAGES",
        "embeddable": false,
        "publicDomain": false,
        "textToSpeechPermission": "ALLOWED",
        "epub": {
         "isAvailable": false
        "pdf": {
         "isAvailable": false
        "webReaderLink": "",
        "accessViewStatus": "NONE"
       "searchInfo": {
        "textSnippet": "When a beautiful woman goes missing on her fifth wedding anniversary, her diary reveals hidden turmoil in her marriage and a mysterious illness; while her husband, desperate to clear himself of suspicion, realizes that something more ..."

    So I don’t know a way around this, except another version of the book with a different ISBN. The values are saved in the database only if the response is valid. So the problem isn’t in the code itself.

    Anonymous User 9905372


    I’ll add’s API as a failsafe in case the Google Books API fails. The API finds the books you are looking for.

    Will apply the fix soon as version 1.2.1!


    {"ISBN:9781559351201": {"info_url": "'s_Eye_Version)", "bib_key": "ISBN:9781559351201", "preview_url": "'s_Eye_Version)", "thumbnail_url": "", "details": {"publishers": ["Soundelux Audio Publishing"], "physical_format": "Audio CD", "key": "/books/OL8610140M", "weight": "2.6 pounds", "title": "The Lord of the Rings (Mind's Eye Version)", "identifiers": {"goodreads": ["899772"], "librarything": ["1386651"]}, "isbn_13": ["9781559351201"], "covers": [786366], "created": {"type": "/type/datetime", "value": "2008-04-30T08:14:56.482104"}, "languages": [{"key": "/languages/eng"}], "isbn_10": ["1559351209"], "latest_revision": 7, "last_modified": {"type": "/type/datetime", "value": "2011-04-28T07:44:37.722015"}, "authors": [{"name": "J. R. R. Tolkien", "key": "/authors/OL26320A"}], "publish_date": "June 1994", "oclc_numbers": ["39032585"], "works": [{"key": "/works/OL14933436W"}], "type": {"key": "/type/edition"}, "subjects": ["Classics", "Fantasy - Epic", "Fantasy - Series", "Fantasy", "Abridged Audio - Fiction/Science Fiction & Fantasy", "Audio - Science Fiction / Fantasy", "Audio Adult: Books On Tape"], "physical_dimensions": "6.2 x 5.8 x 4.2 inches", "revision": 7}, "preview": "noview"}}

    Anonymous User 9905372


    The issue is now fixed.

    If a book is not in the Google Books or OpenLibrary APIs an error message is shown.

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