I’m having an issue with the WP-Property WordPress plug-in. Unfortunately it doesn’t look like anyone involved with the project is active in these support forums anymore, despite the plug-in’s Support tab directing users to this forum for help.
Unfortunately, we cannot afford to provide you free support. It’s very expensive to provide an infinite amount of free support. We tried it for a long time and it’s not sustainable.
This forum is for free community support. It means the community contributes their time to support each other while using the free plugin. Welcome to Open Source – a community-driven effort.
Nobody asked for free support… We PAID for the product annually for YEARS until recently when UD made it free, but then abandoned ALL support. @ideric where can someone go to PAY for support? Anywhere?
Plenty of people ask for free support. It’s very common actually.
If you’re looking for paid support, you can reach out to us at https://www.usabilitydynamics.com/contact-us
Depending on your issue:
If its something that has stopped working or something that has gone wrong you can describe it here and if one of us that uses the wp-property plugin sees it or has experienced the same thing or is able to answer we likely will. If its code flaw they fix as able depending on nature of the issue.
If your issue is design related, that is likely going to be cost / billable no matter where you go.
Is anyone having issue with the plugin and wordpress 5.5, I upgraded the wordpress and now whne I tried to add new row on the settings everything is broken, and the rows disappeared, I put back the wordpress 5.4.2 and plugins is working fine again, but I like to have my wordpress 5.5 back, any updates on the plugin to work fine on wordpress 5.5
thank you for your time.
Honestly, I’d rather this be a paid plugin and charge it to my client. As it is, I cross my fingers every time I update anything knowing that I may not get the support I need to fix my problem.
I’ve essentially given up. I have tried for many years to use this plugin. You need a community for community support, and no community has ever been built. Customizing is painful.
I have paid for them to do setup a few times. The last setup pulled all images in just larger than thumbnail size. After completion, I was told the MLS wasn’t compatible…even though I was told otherwise.
I didn’t like when they went to everything being free, pay for service.
Made it where those of us that DID pay earlier were treated like we never paid.
Now to deal with my angry clients some more.
BTW @ideric , I didn’t start using this product as an open source product…I paid for it…you went the open source route.
Id rather have kept paying too, and feel like my client is living on borrowed time. I’ve told him I expect it to break one day, and we upgraded to 5.5 and had no problems, but Im still looking for the best /most efficient and cost effective way for them to get out from under… Is there even a commitment by anyone to keep it functioning?
I just looked at my last support post. 2 months ago.
Zero response.
I paid for this and got kicked to the curb.
The readme.txt for the 2.4.0 upgrade on github says this:
= Version 2.4.0 =
* Final release. No more updates.
Yep, treat you customers like #@%# and you won’t survive.
Anyone have any suggestions for moving / migrating to a supported product?
Nope, there’s half a dozen paid solutions that look pretty good.
Our local MLS has WP plugin which fortunately is close enough to what this used to do.