Is this Website is amp Compatible?
Hi, I have two questions.
1) I have installed Amp plugin. I have activated transitional mode in the plugin which contain amp and non-amp versions. Please see this link and tell me that this is in amp or not.
2) If user comes from organic search in mobile, then he will find this website with amp link or not?
3) Can I make this website home page in amp or not?
Please tell me about all these questions?
Hi @westonruter , I have three questions
1) Currently Amp Plugin supports which pages right now.
I means blog listing, blog detail, product listing or product detail or any other pages? Please tell me that currently in wordpress Amp plugin will support how much pages or amp plugin is compatible with how much pages right now?
Client is asking about this things. He is asking that how much pages should we make compatible according to amp plugin. Please tell me about this thing so that i will update him.2) In this link,
when i subscribe the newsletter in the footer, then this message appears
“It appears your submission was successful. Even though the server responded OK, it is possible the submission was not processed. Please contact the developer of this form processor to improve this message. Learn More”
From where i can change that message.3)
on this link, There is spacing in start of page and end of page. From where it can be fixed?Please guide me about these three things
1) Currently Amp Plugin supports which pages right now.
I means blog listing, blog detail, product listing or product detail or any other pages? Please tell me that currently in wordpress Amp plugin will support how much pages or amp plugin is compatible with how much pages right now?
Client is asking about this things. He is asking that how much pages should we make compatible according to amp plugin. Please tell me about this thing so that i will update him.It depends on your theme. If a theme is AMP-compatible, all template types are supported.
2) In this link,
when i subscribe the newsletter in the footer, then this message appears
“It appears your submission was successful. Even though the server responded OK, it is possible the submission was not processed. Please contact the developer of this form processor to improve this message. Learn More”Click the “Learn more” link to find out why that message is being displayed and what can be done to fix it.
Is there any demo from where i can see the live example or you can please guide me what to do with that?
Which code i need to use for form and in which place this code will be applied. currently this plugin is using for this newsletter guide me for amp version which code should i copy and where it should be paste?
It depends on the code that you’re using to handle the newsletter subscription submissions. The above documentation should have all you need.
Currently this plugin is using for this newsletter guide me for amp version which code should i copy and where it should be paste?
The Newsletter plugin is not fully AMP compatible as it uses Javascript. Unfortunately we cannot provide support on fixing specific plugins in general. Please reach out to the creators of that plugin and request support for AMP compatibility.
Hi, this code is currently using for this newsletter sign up
global $var;$sql = “SELECT * FROM “.$var->prefix.”newsletter WHERE
='”.$_POST[‘val’].”‘”;$user = $var->get_row($sql);
echo'<p style=”color:#f00″ id=”subscribe”> You have already subscribed</p>’;
{global $var;
echo'<p style=”color:#f00″ id=”subscribe”> You have successfully subscribed</p>’;}
}This is demo code. Please guide me should i need to embed amp code according to this or i need to contact newsletter plugin support
Hi @albertomedina @westonruter , Please guide me about the above code.
I have also one question. Please see this link
This page has issue due to custom scripting. You also said that amp does not allows custom scripting. So you are saying that I can use amp script and amp components. So I need to add this amp script and amp components in the main template file. Will Amp components and scripts will work for both non-amp version as well. Am I Right?Please tell me that I can add this amp components and amp script in the main template file which is for home page. should this be doable can i add manually amp components in the wordpress template file. Please tell me about this thing.
Please guide me about all above questions?
Hi @albertomedina @westonruter , I have 6 questions
1) this code is currently using for this newsletter sign up if($_POST[‘val’]) { global $var; $sql = “SELECT * FROM “.$var->prefix.”newsletter WHERE VAL='”.$_POST[‘val’].”‘”; $user = $var->get_row($sql); if($user) { echo'<p style=”color:#f00″ id=”subscribe”> You have already subscribed</p>’; } else { global $var; $var->insert($var->prefix.”newsletter”,array(‘val’=>$_POST[‘val’]),array(‘%s’,’%s’)); echo'<p style=”color:#f00″ id=”subscribe”> You have successfully subscribed</p>’; } } This is demo code. Please guide me should i need to embed amp code according to this or i need to contact newsletter plugin support 2) Please see this link This page has issue due to custom scripting. You also said that amp does not allows custom scripting. So you are saying that I can use amp script and amp components. So I need to add this amp script and amp components in the main template file. Will Amp components and scripts will work for both non-amp version as well. Am I Right? Please tell me that I can add this amp components and amp script in the main template file which is for home page. should this be doable can i add manually amp components in the wordpress template file. Please tell me about this thing. 3) Please see the both links in mobile. This is non-amp version for mobile. This is amp version for mobile. Both have different mobile menu. For amp version, I have applied this code in header.php <amp-sidebar id='sidebar' side='right' layout='nodisplay'> <form class="menu-layer primary" action="/" target="_top"> <!--<button type="reset" class="close-button" id="menu-button" on='tap:sidebar.toggle'>X</button>--> <button type="reset" role="button" aria-label="close sidebar" on="tap:sidebar.toggle" tabindex="0" class="close-button">✕</button> <div class="items sideNavi"> <a href="#">Home</a> <label class="menu-item item-layer-1 has-sub-level active"><input type="checkbox"> About Us <div class="submenu menu-layer secondary"> <div class="return-button">Back</div> <button type="reset" class="close-button" id="menu-button" on='tap:sidebar.toggle'>X</button> <div class="items"> <a href="#">About Us</a> <a href="#">Online Store</a> <a href="#">Safety Inspections</a> </div> </div> </label> <label class="menu-item item-layer-1 has-sub-level active"><input type="checkbox"> Contact Us <div class="submenu menu-layer secondary"> <div 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You can check on both links on mobile with two menu buttons. Please guide me about this issue 4) I have implemented API in this website but on this link api is not working 5) Is there any option in this plugin that “/?amp" will not show on all pages. You can disable AMP for those templates by unchecking the “Serve all templates as AMP regardless of what is being queried.” checkbox on the AMP settings screen. You can then decide which specific templates to serve AMP on. For posts/pages, you can also disable on a per-URL basis via the “AMP enabled” toggle. For post and pages, I will have to disable amp one by one by opening each page in admin bar? Am I right? 6) Please see this link, there are still "/?amp" link is showing on main logo and tellno. From where i can change this?
Please guide me about all above 6 questions?
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