Hi @archimede113,
Can you please check this issue on the default WordPress theme.
I’ve already tried with default WordPress theme, but even so it doesn’t work.
I have also tried with your site https://ultimatememberdemo.com/, and even so it doesn’t work.
I solved it using the shortcode of the plugin “Ajax Login and Registration modal popup” for the page of Login and Register.
I hope these indications will be useful to you.
I’m not seeing invisible info, but I just saw on my Smart TV, that USER IDs are displayed instead of the usernames, the same thing hackers tend to look for, ironically to obtain usernames for password guess scripts.
the user ID along w/ username are displayed next to each post.
it has to be an API issue. In my case using LG w/ linux os.
I guess word of advice: don’t use smart browsers for anything sensitive, as they’re not safe at all
This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by tamramc.