• With a timezone setting based on UTC+/-offset post dates show the correct local time, but the wrong timezone name. For example in zone UTC-5 the local date/time is five hours less than UTC, but all dates/times claim to be UTC instead of EST.

    Changing the timezone to a city (BTW: why is Boston missing?) gives additional information related to daylight savings time in the admin page, but the formatted times still come out with the wrong timezone label — always GMT. Hint: New York is not now nor has it ever been in GMT.

    1. How does one get the correct timezone name from the custom date formatting field?

    2. How does one get the correct zone name for UTC? It is using GMT, which is no longer valid.

    3. How does one get the “UTC time is: <data>” and “local time is <data>” fields that follow Settings/General/Timezone to include the respective time zones?

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