• Looks simple and promising. The instructions are useless – where to add the css class? If a plugin developer is too lazy to add two short sentences as explanation he deserve’s only one star, sorry.

    Looking in the source helps: Goto
    wp-content/plugins/accessibility-font-resizer/js/script.js to get the idea.

    Create Buttons or links on your page and add the classes mentioned in the instructions and listed in the js file to accomplish font rezising.

    It would be so simple to describe this in the instructions so that everybody can manage this

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by skurrilewelt.
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by skurrilewelt.
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  • Plugin Author Maxime Jobin


    I’m sorry the instructions are not clear and that you feel our free work was not good enough because of our lazyness. We seriously think this would help.

    You must add them to your items menu. Classes must be activated:
    Add CSS Classes To Menu Items In WordPress

    I hope this help and that you can revisit your review.

    Have a great day.

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