• I have successfully installed XAMPP Lite on my Windows Vista system following this guide exactly:http://www.webhostingsearch.com/articles/installing-wordpress-locally.php

    When I go to http://localhost/rtypedesign/wp-admin/install.php on my installation (yes rtypedesign is my wordpress directory name and it correctly resides in the htdocs folder) it just hangs or is frozen and never goes anywhere. I have turned on php errors through my wp-config.php file with the following settings:

    define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true); // Turn debugging ON
    define(‘WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY’, false); // Turn forced display OFF
    define(‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, true); // Turn logging to wp-content/debug.log ON

    WordPress has verified database communication with the database I created, I know this because I had wordpress create my wp-config.php
    file for me by having the wp-config-sample.php file and going to the url http://localhost/rtyepdesign/ and it said my user name, password and database was good to go and gave me an Install button which I press and than experience the same hanging or freezing at http://localhost/rtypedesign/wp-admin/install.php. The are no tables created in the database I created. I cannot find any errors or error logs to look through.

    Perhaps you cannot use XAMPP Lite with wordpress?

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