• I looked at a few different plugins that will put graphs on my site, and this one is by far the most straightforward. It’s incredibly easy to type in data or upload data from a csv. As a bonus, the data table editor is pretty slick in itself, even aside from the graphing!

    Additionally, the plugin code is easy to read and well-commented. Great job documenting this, for those who might want to extend its behavior.

    Depending on your use case, one feature could be good or bad: the charts are generated in real time. A static image is generated only once, but if you are using the javascript chart library the data is pulled from the database every time the chart is requested (notwithstanding caching that your site might do). For me, this is a huge bonus, because with a simple hook, I can alter the chart data to include dynamic values on demand. Very cool!

    • This topic was modified 6 months, 1 week ago by kennethrg.
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