Hi @ptyt,
It looks to be some scaling issue with theme.
The .container element is set with width of 900px which is scaling down the viewport.
You can either set below to set the container size correctly.
.container{ max-width: 900px }
or set below CSS to adapt UFW, keeping your current container size.
@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
.ufw_pp .ufw_wb{
position: relative;
bottom: auto;
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Thank you very much.
I have a second question. How can I set that the widget is also open on the smartphone when the pages are called up? I can’t save this in settings (“Initial state on mobile”).
Thanks in advance.
Hi @ptyt,
Regarding the initial state on mobile, it is a bug. The option is not saving. Thanks for reporting.
I’ll fix this issue soon in couple of weeks.
To fix the issue for now,
1) Deactivate the plugin
2) go to plugins -> plugin editor -> select ultimate-floating-widgets/admin/admin.php
3) Insert below line after the line 280
'init_state_m' => sanitize_text_field( $p[ 'ufw_init_state_m' ] ),
4) save the file
5) activate the plugin
Check if issue is fixed.
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Hi AAkash,
thank you for your help again. It worked.
Please do rate the plugin 5 stars if you like. Your rating will help the plugin a lot!